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我们主要感受着一种恐慌的情绪。We experience a primal feeling of panic.

在原始的天空里,没有月亮。In these primal skies, there was no Moon.

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在所有细微对象的背后是原质这个最初因。Behind all subtle objects is Prakriti, the primal cause.

但是,即使最初的恐惧已经结束,安逸是再也找不到了。But if primal fear has ended, comfort is nowhere to be found.

这就是原群阶段会发生的。which of course is precisely what happens in the primal horde.

这些话语间接地回忆古远的埃及和出埃及的事件。These words allude to the primal memories of Egypt and the Exodus.

无界的原始问题也会有一个不可行的对偶问题。An unbounded primal problem has a dual problem that's not feasible!

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无解的原始问题就会有一个无界的对偶问题。A primal problem that has no solution has an unbounded dual problem.

对狗而言,这是基本需求,就好比鸟儿飞翔、鱼儿戏水一样,而狗则需要溜溜。To your dog, that’s a primal activity―birds fly, fish swim, and dogs walk.

恒星是由一种称为星际介质的“原汤”形成的。Stars are born from a kind of primal soup known as the interstellar medium.

你所沟通的原初精魂很诚实,但是有时候难以捉摸。The primal spirits you communicate with are honest but sometimes can be elusive.

在文明的虚饰后面,原初的荒野正等着,要求归还他原本的统治。Behind the veneer of civilization, the primal wild waits to reclaim its dominance.

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这似乎是一个很原始的梦,但被追的梦是一个很大的课题。It seems to be sort of a primal dream but the dream about being chased is a biggie.

释放自己的灵魂,你就会成为桀骜不逊的太初之兽。Unleash your own spirit, and you will become the Primal Beast, uncaged and untamed.

她的故事是大胆而真实的,而这些是否就是源自我们的最原始的欲望呢?Her story is audacious, but really, is it that far off base from all our primal urges?

如果初始问题是一个最小化问题,那么其对偶问题就是一个最大化问题。If the primal were a minimization problem, then the dual would be a maximization problem.

藉着一个第一的单一性那四个地球的和天空,神和凡人-在一里面一起属于。By a primal oneness the four-earth and sky, divinities and mortals-belong together in one.

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现在,他不仅仅是一位声音工程师更是一位音波探险家!Now he is a full-time sonic explorer transforming crackles and bleeps into something primal.

刺探出原始的畏惧感,触发了一种互不相容、排他的焦虑感。elicit primal fears, activating anxiety-provoking feelings of incompatibility and exclusion.

不论是对无所作为发出的叹息,还是原始恐惧情绪无法控制的流露,可谓俯拾即是,无处不在。Everywhere are wistful expressions of impotency and uncontrolled expressions of primal fears.