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外滩对游客来说是必游之地,怎么说?The Bund is a must to visitors.

请告诉我去外滩的路好吗?Could you show me the way to the Bund?

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外滩,是上海的一张城市名片。The Bund is the "name card" of Shanghai.

那有包含上海外滩观光隧道吗?Is the Shanghai Bund Tourist Tunnel included in?

1845年起外滩地带被划为英国租界。From 1845, the Bund was in the British Concession.

公司位于中国重庆市渝中区外滩商城。Companies located in China Yuzhong District Bund mall.

徐家汇是指挥中心,外滩是前沿阵地。Xujiahui is the command center, the Bund is the front.

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位于北外滩的老,寨城的上海。The Bund lies north of the old, walled city of Shanghai.

知道,对于国内外的游客来说,外滩是必游之地。Yes, the Bund is a must for tourists at home and abroad.

外滩的建筑让我想到了欧洲的建筑物.Those building along the Bund remind me of those inEurope.

再之后,他们在外滩的ATTICA俱乐部玩了一宿。Afterwards, they had a night out on the Bund at club ATTICA.

我想到外滩去欣赏那儿的景色。I want to go to the Bund to enjoy the morning scenery there.

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外滩是黄浦江岸的一条宽阔的大道,约1.5公里长。The Bund is a wide boulevard on the bank of the Huangpu River.

一个小时,又一个小时,直到走到外滩的尽头,才善摆甘休了。An hour after an hour. I do not stop since the end of the Bund.

十六铺码头,是上海外滩最著名的码头,拥有150年历史。Shiliupu pier, is the most famous bund of wharf, has 150 years.

怒啸明珠金贸下,沉吟黄浦外滩滨。Nu Xiao pearl gold trade, the pondering Huangpu Bund waterfront.

外滩,百余年来,一直作为伤害的象征出现在世人面前。The Bund has been a symbol of Shanghai for over a hundred years.

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上海都市文化的代表是徐家汇和外滩一带。Shanghai urban culture is represented and the Bund Xujiahui area.

您在游览外滩的时候会看到来自世界各地的人们。You will see people from all over the world touring around the Bund.

外滩它过去曾是上海老城厢外的一块芦苇丛生的荒滩地。The bund it used to be Shanghai residences of the a ruined reed land.