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面对光明,或藏伏在黑暗里。Face the light or lurk in darkness.

杂草丛中还潜伏着其它棘手的问题。Other thorny issues lurk in the weeds.

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在这条荒野的小路上隐伏着危险。Dangers lurk in the path of wilderness.

骄傲可能会潜藏在穿旧的斗篷下。Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak.

在湖里不仅潜藏着黑巴斯鱼,还有澳洲肺鱼哦。More than just black bass lurk in these lakes.

每部家庭式双排座小轿车都存在隐患。Hidden dangers lurk in every family saloon car.

骄傲估计会潜藏在穿旧的斗篷下。Pride weselves lurk under a theasystbare not cloak.

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机遇是可能潜藏在路边阴暗处的东西。Chance is what may lurk in the shadows at the roadside.

我嗅到深深的神秘潜伏在各处,深浅不一。I can smell a deeply mysterious lurk everywhere, two-tone.

他们经常潜伏在黑灯瞎火的小街上,对过路人行凶抢劫。They would lurk in the dark side streets and mug any passer-by.

我悄悄跟在队伍的末尾并说服了他出去喝杯咖啡。I lurk at the end of the queue and persuade him to go for coffee.

基伏是战争曾经发起的地方也是许多昔日的恶魔仍然出没的地方。Kivu is where the war started and where many old demons still lurk.

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夜晚降临,他们潜伏在阴影中——那些活的石像。Born of the Night, they lurk in the shadows—gargoyles of living stone.

在这个接口之下,潜伏着两个视觉系统并行工作。Underneath this interface lurk two vision systems that work in parallel.

一个中立的潜伏者可以在激活该能力的时候,选择善良或邪恶。A neutral lurk can choose either good or evil when she activates this ability.

这个角度使目标缩小,坑洼潜伏在左后和右前方。This angle makes the target smaller and bunkers lurk back-left and front-right.

当使用该能力时,潜伏者可以选择能力损伤的类别。The lurk chooses which type of ability damage to deal when activating the power.

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人类的生理结构中或也隐藏着类似的常态与糖尿病态的转换器。A similar diabetic "switch" may lurk in the physiology of humans, Venn-Watson said.

即使是淡水洼地也有鳄鱼潜匿其中,此外,蝎子也会在岩石上跑来跑去。Crocodiles lurk even in the freshwater ponds, and scorpions scuttle over the rocks.

海盗船可能在任何溪流里窥伺,出逃的奴隶则在那些废墟中潜伏。A pirate boat may lurk up any stream, and escaped slaves oft hide amongst the ruins.