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不管花多大代价,我们也要把这项工作做好。We will have the work done, irrespective of cost.

保险中必须不计免赔率。The insurance must be issued irrespective of percentage.

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他不顾后果,冲上去救助。He rushed forward to help, irrespective of the consequences.

该软件工程不管花多大代价我购买了此罚款。The software works fine irrespective of cost I have purchased this.

哈利波特首部剧集的震撼几乎吸引了所有年龄段的人们。The thrill of this first sequel appealed to people irrespective of age.

我们希望人们觉得他们想要它,与其他无关。We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else.

佛兰克应当鼓励他自由发挥,允许他犯错误。Frank needs to encourage him to play freely irrespective of his mistakes.

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不管此参数设置如何,所有手动操作仍然可行。All manual operations remain enabled irrespective of this parameter setting.

他每星期都给我们送送信息,不管信息是否有用。He send us information every week, irrespective of whether it's useful or not.

不管吸入的空气中的氧气量有多少酸中毒都可发生。Acidosis can occur irrespective of the amount of oxygen in the air being breathed.

所有的猎鹿犬,不管是什么颜色,耳朵都应该是黑色或暗黑色。On all Deerhounds, irrespective of color of coat, the ears should be black or dark colored.

最后要说,无论球队战绩如何,曼联的球迷们从未动摇过。Finally, United's fans have never wavered in their support, irrespective of the team's success.

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光学单字而不顾其功能,可谓白费时间,因为并非所有单字都是同等重要的。Learning words irrespective of their function can be a waste of time, for not all words are equal.

神经障碍影响所有国家的民众,不分年龄、性别、教育或收入。Neurological disorders affect people in all countries, irrespective of age, sex, education or income.

模块化系统可以很好地匹配您的需求,而不需要考虑是哪个模块提供的。The modularity system can then match you with what you need irrespective of which module provides it.

我觉得它很上瘾的,不论其真实性的信息,我很喜欢看的信息。I found it addictive , irrespective of the genuineness of information, I liked viewing the information.

小麦品种远丰898表现在钾胁迫时生物产量很高而在钾充足时也有较大的潜力。Yuanfeng898 has the higher weight of biomass irrespective of potassium stress and potassium sufficiency.

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换句话说,无论你是否做剧烈运动,长时间坐着对你有害。In other words, irrespective of whether you exercise vigorously, sitting for long periods is bad for you.

目前这两项指标是固定的,根本不顾及市场的情绪,因为他们假定市场是没有情绪的。Currently they are fixed irrespective of the market's mood because markets are not supposed to have moods.

保险公司默认的免赔率在哪里可以知道?保单的背面条款里有吗?。Irrespective of percentage" should be mentioned as one of the clause on the face of the insurance policy."