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我讨厌湖人。我是底特律人。I hate the Lakers. I'm from Detroit.

飞往底特律的088号班机现在开始登机。Flight 088 for Detroit is boarding now.

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我买两张去底特津的儿童来回票。可以吗?May I have two child returns to DETROIT?

底特律是一个实验品,它可能会失败。Detroit is an experiment and it may fail.

作为一个自负的人,斯坦普尔还是留在了底特律。A proud man, Stempel stayed around Detroit.

底特律曾经是一座显赫一时、繁荣兴旺的城市。Detroit was once a grand and prosperous city.

那么,要不要在底特律建一个比亚迪技术中心呢?How about a BYD Technology Center in Detroit?

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汽车工业把蓄多人吸引到滤蹲特律。The auto industry has brought people to Detroit.

大约一年前,我住进了底特律的一家旅馆。About a year ago, I registered at a Detroit hotel.

布朗现在是底特律活塞队的中锋。Brown now is playing center for the Detroit Pistons.

假设他叫David,Smith,在底特律之类的地方长大。He's David Smith who grew up in Detroit or whatever.

罗马非建成于一日之内,底特律也是如此。Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was Detroit.

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这本书的样书已经在底特律引起了轰动。Advance copies have already created a stir in Detroit.

底特律的汽车制造商也已经对此虎视眈眈。Detroit auto makers were already knocking at the door.

他没有在底特律长大的记忆。He doesn't have any memories of growing up in Detroit.

如果底特律得偿所愿,那么每个人都会有一套说辞。If Detroit gets money, then everyone would have a case.

现在,三巨头能否在底特律击败险恶六人组?Now, can The Big Three beat The Sinister Six in Detroit?

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当妈妈倒地不起时,他拨了911两次。He called 911 in Detroit twice when his mother collapsed.

这是使底特律学校复兴的项目的一部分。It's all part of a program to revitalize Detroit schools.

底特律活塞队后卫特瑞科怀特为蓝队增加了29分。Detroit Pistons guard Terrico White added 29 for the Blue.