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我总是随身带一个笔记本,以便记下我的想法。I always carry a notebook with me for jotting down my ideas.

我发现粗略记下自己想做的,应该做或者能做的事情,这个方法对我很管用。I find jotting down a few things I want to do, should do, or could do, works best for me.

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举例说来,你得准备一场婚礼,开始可能只有零碎的想法进入你的头脑。You need to plan a wedding, so you start by just jotting thoughts as they pop into your head.

我们用AJAX强化的任务列表功能,使输入bug就像在文本编辑器上做记录一样简单。Our AJAX-enhanced case list makes entering bugs as easy as jotting them down in a text editor.

拿出你的笔记本留下几页纸来记下你所能够想到的应该。Grab your notebook and reserve a few pages for jotting down any and all shoulds you come across.

大榕树,是纯洁爱情的象征,记载了人间的情感历程。Big banyan is the symbol of clean and pure love, jotting down the emotion process of the human life.

如果你经常记录一些东西,一个新的笔记本和一个未开封的笔应该放在你的鼠标旁边。If you're always jotting things down, a fresh notepad and uncapped pen should be next to your mouse pad.

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他建议每天随手记下三件你心存感激的事情,或者用日志记录你积极的经历。He advises jotting down three things you are grateful for each day or daily journaling about a positive experience.

设想一个业务或需求分析师正在获取下一代业务服务的需求。Imagine a business- or requirements-analyst jotting down the required features of the next-generation business service.

快写,转到其它位置,写下更多的概念和术语,继续到其它空白之处,写下你意识到的术语。Jot them quickly, move into another space, jot some more down, move to another blank, and just keep moving around and jotting.

主要地,我开始使用Popplet随意记下了随记过程中的笔记,还能用它来学习。Basically, I decided to use Popplet to start jotting down notes about the process of note-taking and how it might support learning.

从管理我们的工作目录和用代码记下偶然的想法和保存一个杂乱无章的列表,没有什么比得上纯文本编辑器了。From managing our to-do lists and writing code to jotting ideas and keeping a grocery list, nothing beats a solid plain text editor.

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每天,时刻“追踪”自己所有积极和消极的想法,同时把它们记录下来。During the day keep track of all the positive and negative thoughts you have by jotting them down in a notebook or on a piece of paper.

如果胃肠不适,把你的想法、感觉记录下来,它会减缓疼痛。If you have irritable bowel syndrome, jotting down your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about the problem may help alleviate the discomfort.

克里斯托夫过去常纠正他父亲不要把同一个故事讲几遍,因此,他父亲便开始用笔简略地把讲过的故事记下。Christopher would correct his father if the stories weren't told exactly the same way each time, so the reverend began jotting the tales down.

包里有十几个我随身携带的红色小笔记薄,上面记录了我对文章、小故事、电视秀等等的看法。Inside it were about ten of the little red notebooks I take everywhere for jotting down ideas for articles, short stories, TV shows and the like.

大概写下使你担忧的事——如面对突如其来的问题,或者走上通向指挥台的台阶——这样可以减轻对你的负面影响。Jotting down what worries you—facing an unexpected curveball of a question, tripping on the steps leading up to the podium—may weaken the effect.

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科学家如何把今天的气候与遥远的过去进行比较,也就是早在人类还无法用文字记录天气情况的早期?How can scientists compare today's climate to conditions of the distant past, long before humans started happily jotting down records of the weather?

养成一个好习惯——关注金融部门并记下你不理解的单词或语句,或记下很难消化的结论部分。Make a habit of keeping an eye of the financial sector and jotting down words or phrases you don't understand or conclusions you find hard to swallow.

两个程序员会很紧密地在一起工作,总是在交谈,快速记下对要做的事儿的提醒,并且在屏幕上指出代码的片段。Both programmers work closely together, chatting the whole time, jotting down reminders of things to do, and pointing out pieces of code on the screen.