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锻炼同时也可以缓解压力。it's also a great stress reliever.

没有任何一位救援投手在牛棚中练投。No reliever threw a pitch in the bullpen.

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蜂蜜是天然的止咳药和温和的抗生素。honey is a natural cough reliever and mild antibiotic.

演奏乐器很有趣,也是一种非常好的减压方法。Playing music is fun and can be an excellent stress reliever

周五对他们补充救济补助贝尔福在贸易与酿酒。On friday they added reliever grant balfour in a trade with the brewers.

缓解类药物吸入器通常为蓝色,用于减缓症状。Reliever inhalers are usually blue and you take them to relieve symptoms.

每个哮喘病患者都应该有一个缓解类药物吸入器,这种吸入器通常是蓝色的。Everyone with asthma should have a reliever inhaler. Reliever inhalers are usually blue.

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一位迷上缝纫的卡车司机表示,做针线活没有地点限制,而且可以很好地缓解压力。"Knitting is a great stress reliever that can be done almost anywhere, " an avid knitter said.

试试看——它们是干的,而且很耐嚼,很多人嚼着嚼着就没那么大压力了。Check them out – dry and chewy, the extra chewing to consume is a great stress reliever for many!

你现在依赖这个习惯从无聊中寻求舒适、幸福、自由,做一个压力释放者。You now depend on this habit for comfort, happiness, freedom from boredom, and as a stress reliever.

如果需要,你可以使用非处方的止疼药,比如退热净,直到受伤部位的疼痛可以忍受为止。If needed, you can use an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen until the pain is tolerable.

在1982年九月到十月间,在芝加哥有几个人服用了一种广为流行的止痛药之后死去了。In September-October 1982 several persons in Chicago died after taking capsules of a popular pain reliever.

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狗能反克鲁斯和一个简单的一瓶止痛消耗的一个令人好奇的小狗可以产生致命的后果。Dogs can counter cruise and a simple bottle of pain reliever consumed by a curious pup can have fatal consequences.

许多幽默短文告诉我们笑声是天然的减压器,因为在我们大笑时肌肉的紧张感会慢慢消融。Many humor texts tell us that laughter is a natural stress reliever because when we laugh, muscle tension melts away.

嗯,蛇夫座,上帝在腰上贴好日本买回来的止痛药膏,报复性地决定不理。H'm , snake man, God is on the waist stick good Japan buy back of pain reliever cream, revenge ground decision ignore.

冥想可以很有效地释放压力,因为我们进入冥想的状态时,我们很自然地让一切都流走。Meditation can be a great stress reliever because we naturally let go of everything when we settle into the meditative state.

研究者说这项研究可以让吸烟者们放心,因为戒烟并不会让他们失去一个有价值的减压的方式。The findings, say researchers, should give smokers reassurance that quitting will not deprive them of a valuable stress reliever.

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吃上几粒杏仁可以帮助你减轻头痛,这些小东西富含水杨苷,有着和阿司匹林类似的去痛效果。Eating a handful of almonds could help ease a tiny headache, because they contain salicin, which is a pain reliever similar to aspirin.

所以我们很难看到某个图书连锁店专售的书籍,抑或是某个药店独家经营的止痛药。It's pretty rare to find a book that's only available in one chain of bookstores, or a pain reliever that's only in one sort of drugstore.

结合工程实例对新研制的XS-1型解卡剂作用机理进行了分析、应用并提出了具体的操作规程和注意事项。The act mechanism of the newly developing sticking reliever XS-1 was analyzed. The operation rules and points for attention were put forward.