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WNV的表现很像圣路易脑膜炎。WNV behaves a lot like St . Louis encephalitis.

夏天幼儿怎样预防病毒性脑炎?How does cheeper prevent summer virus sex encephalitis?

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曾有几例病后脑炎致死的报导。A few fatal cases of postinfectious encephalitis have been reported.

曾有几例病后脑炎致死的报道。A few fatal cases of postinfectious encephalitis have been reported.

尼帕病毒引起人类急性脑炎,病死率高。Nipah virus causes acute encephalitis in human, with high mortality.

人类感染从无症状感染到致命的脑炎情况不同。Human infections range from asymptomatic infection to fatal encephalitis.

登革热病毒导致登革热出血热、休克和脑炎。The dengue virus causes dengue hemorrhagic fever, shock and encephalitis.

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目的探讨病毒性脑炎并脑动脉炎的病因。Objective To explore the reason of cerebral arteritis in viral encephalitis.

预防脑炎的草药在这一地区俯拾皆是。Herbs for the prevention of encephalitis can be found everywhere in this area.

其它类型的脑炎有西尼罗河、圣路易斯、东方马。Other kinds of encephalitis include West Nile, Saint Louis and Eastern Equine.

方法对96例病毒性脑炎的脑电图结果进行回顾性分析。Methods The EEGs of 96 cases of viral encephalitis were analyzed retrospectively.

所以本病例水痘-带状疱疹病毒相关肾炎及脑炎诊断成立。So, the diagnosis of VZV-related glomerulonephritis and encephalitis was established.

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目的探讨水痘合并脑炎的诊断与治疗方法。Objective Explore the chickenpox combined encephalitis diagnosis and treatment methods.

虫媒传染病,如登革热,森林脑炎,疟疾正在蔓延。Insect-borne diseases like dengue fever, tick-borne encephalitis and malaria will spread.

严重病例会发生脑炎和癫痫,进而在24至48小时内陷入昏迷。Encephalitis and seizures occur in severe cases, progressing to coma within 24 to 48 hours.

犬传染性肝炎病毒主要引起犬传染性肝炎和熊、狐脑炎。The CAV-I is mainly caused the canine infectious hepatitis and encephalitis in bear and fox.

2006至2008年,它们主要用来接种乙肝、狂犬病和脑炎疫苗。They had been vaccinated against hepatitis B, rabies and Type-B encephalitis from 2006 to 2008.

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少数人康复后又复发或罹患迟发性脑炎。A small number of people who recover subsequently relapse or develop delayed onset encephalitis.

一种日本脑炎的疫苗,它即将提交世界卫生组织预审。A vaccine for Japanese encephalitis which will be submitted shortly to WHO for prequalification.

目的探讨西咪替丁与双嘧达莫对感染森林脑炎病毒的小鼠的死亡保护作用。Objective To study the anti tick borne encephalitis virus effect of cimetidine and dipyridamole.