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谢谢你,卡特先生。Thank you,Mr. Carter.

卡特先生经营着一个牛奶场。Mr. Carter ran a dairy.

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卡特在一垒被连杀出局。Carter was doubled up at first.

卡特先生没有法子处理这事。Carter had no way to deal with it.

基诺卡特从他的马得到下来.Keno Carter got down from his horse.

卡特先生没有法子处理这事。Mr. Carter had no way to deal with it.

卡特形容为“鸦片烟馆别致它。Carter describes it as "opium den chic."

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这个箱子已钉好待运。The box was nailed up ready for the carter.

罗森鲍姆认为里根能击败吉米·卡特。Rosenbaum thinks Regan can beat Jimmy Carter.

卡特中心,健康计划,沙眼。The Carter Center, Health Programs, Trachoma.

赶大车的人扬鞭朝着马轻轻地抽打。The carter flipped at the horse with his whip.

卡特将军指挥伞兵团。General Carter commands the Parachute Regiment.

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梅贝尔卡特是唯一一个留下来执行。Maybelle Carter was the only one left to perform.

你是来接管广告销售部的卡特?德利亚?The Carter Duryea that's come in to run ad sales?

卡特及夫人参观湖南大学岳麓书院。President Carter and his wife visit Yuelu Academy.

亲爱的,这位是卡特?德利亚。Hey, sweetheart. This is Carter Duryea from the office.

美国的卡特中心主持这项活动。The Carter Center in the United States led the efforts.

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截至2008年,塔平饰演了多久萨曼沙·卡特这一角色?As of 2008, how long has Tapping played Samantha Carter?

文斯卡特由于脚踝伤势缺席周五的训练。Vince Carter missed Friday’s practice with a sore ankle.

四年级的时候,她甚至扮演了玛贝尔·卡特妈妈。She even played Mama Maybelle Carter in a 4th grade play.