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恩里科很有心计,是一只狡猾的老狐狸。Enrico was too good, an old fox, cunning.

庞迪团队桑德拉了创业技能,把它变成现实。Enrico Rikki Dee had the entrepreneurial skill to turn it into reality.

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因此,恩里科•费米把它们叫做‘小中子’,在意大利语中就是中微子的意思。So Enrico Fermi called them "a little neutron, " in Italian is neutrino.

意大利左翼民主党的恩里科·莱塔说,这次暴力活动一定要受谴责。Enrico Letta of the Democratic Party of the Left said the violence must be deplored.

曾有人说著名男高音恩里科•卡洛斯有此本领,但是在他死后,他的妻子却否决了这些传闻。The famous tenor Enrico Caruso was said to have had the ability, but after he died his wife denied these rumors.

据国外媒体报道,近日,意大利发明家恩里科·迪尼成功研制出一台可以用沙土“打印”3D建筑的打印机。Italian inventor Enrico Dini has designed a device that can "print" 3D buildings with sand, foreign media reported.

意大利下届总理恩里科·莱塔表示对新的部长团队感到“清醒的满意”。Italy's next Prime Minister Enrico Letta expressed what he called sober satisfaction with his new team of ministers.

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这就是著名的「核子能」雕塑,纪念芝大教授费尔明的革命性成就。This is the noted sculpture "Nuclear Energy" commemorating the revolutionary achievements of Enrico Fermi at the university.

南非海洋公司的主管恩瑞克•真纳里怀疑鲨鱼身体上部的另一边也已经受伤。Enrico Gennari, director of oceans for the South African company, suspects that one shark may have wound up on top of another.

尽管亚平宁半岛上充满了反对的声音,但他的经纪人恩里科。费德莱正在同尤文高层进行谈判以便将这名老将重新带回都灵城。But his agent Enrico Fedele is in talks to bring the veteran back to Turin, in spite of many dissenting voices in the peninsula.

物理学家恩里科·费米和阿瑟·康普顿在芝加哥大学进行了世界第一次原子弹核连锁反应。The world´s first nuclear chain reaction took place at the University of Chicago, under physicists Enrico Fermi and Arthur Compton.

阿尔佛雷德.鲁姆斯邀请世界顶尖科学家到他的鲁姆斯实验室访问,这其中包括艾伯特.爱因斯坦、恩里科.费尔米和尼尔斯.波尔。Alfred Loomis invited the top scientists in the world to his Loomis Laboratory, including Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi and Niels Bohr.

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热那亚俱乐部主席恩里科。普莱齐奥西甚至公开声明转会已经完成,但这笔交易面临失败的危险,因为帕拉迪诺有自己的考虑。Genoa President Enrico Preziosi even declared that the deal was done, but the move stalled when the talented forward had second thoughts.

将近20年前,我走进一间病房——病房里住着一个退休的核物理学家,他曾和恩里科费米一起参与曼哈顿计划。N early 20 years ago, I entered the hospital room of a retired nuclear physicist who had worked on the Manhattan Project with Enrico Fermi.

以实证主义哲学作为自己的理论基础,菲利将实证方法引入犯罪学研究,创立了自己的犯罪社会学理论体系。Based on the criminal sociology thinking of the philosophical basis, Enrico Ferri has brought the theoretical study of the penal significant progress.

就在昨晚,热那亚经理齐奥西宣称帕拉迪诺将在几个小时后签约完成转会,但现在看来转会的确失败了。Yesterday evening, Genoa President Enrico Preziosi declared that Palladino's signature was hours away, but now the transfer seems to be off the table.

热那亚主席甚至宣布他们已经与帕拉迪诺签订了合同,但是帕拉迪诺在最后时刻拒绝了合同。Rossoblu President Enrico Preziosi even came out in the press announcing that a deal had been done, but Palladino then rejected the transfer at the last minute.

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玻尔来到美国,见到爱因斯坦和其他一些科学家。他还和正在哥伦比亚大学工作的恩里科。Bohr came to the United States and met with Eistein and other scientists. He discussed the matter, too, with Enrico Fermi who was working at Columbia University.

这名那不勒斯球员并没有同西甲俱乐部续约,他的经纪人恩里科。费德莱和尤文经理也已经确认了转会谈判的存在。The Neapolitan has not been offered a contract extension by the Merengues and his agent Enrico Fedele and Juve directors have confirmed that negotiations are underway.

这个方程式中还有许多重要的部分,但需要高度关注的则是本赛季已攻入10球的恩里科。锡耶纳,他的进球数和我们的安德烈。舍甫琴科一样多。There are many parts to this formula, but the one to focus on is Enrico Chiesa who has already scored 10 times this season, the same number as our very own Andriy Shevchenko.