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我喜欢我的小狗。I like my doggie.

狗年快乐!Happy doggie year!

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松狮---真正的狗狗。The very true me doggie.

我们就将剩菜打包。We’ll just get a doggie bag.

他们遇到了小狗庄叔华。They meeting the doggie Joshua.

我们得去狗狗温泉洗浴中心,记得吗?。We have to get to the doggie spa , remember?

小狗庄叔华在学校里学读写。Doggie Joshua is learning reading and writing in the school.

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我喜欢用天然沐浴乳和我的小狗一起洗澡。I like to take bath with my doggie using all natural body soap.

橱柜堆满鼓鼓的塑料包装狗尿布。Puffy, plasticky packages of Doggie Depends stocked in the pantry.

看橱窗里有着一条小狗,它摇头摆尾可真逗。How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the wabbly tail.

可以请人照顾它、把它留在犬舍。Hire someone to watch him or drop him off at a doggie day-care center.

在“狗狗日间寄托营”呆上一天但不过夜需要花费20美元。A stay at "Doggie Day Camp" without the overnight goes for 20 dollars the day.

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如果你没有勇气把小狗能做的和小狗不能做的列出来并做成标签贴出来,那么就让他们来做这件事。If you don’t have the spine to label Doggie Doo a Doggie Don’t, let them do the scooping.

小小奇异鸟杰克,金鱼莉莉和小狗庄叔华一起去学校。Little kiwi bird Jacket, golden fish Lily and doggie Joshua are going to school together.

要么教会你的狗怎么从瓶子里喝水,要么带一个装满水的便携狗餐盘。Teach your dog how to drink from a water bottle or carry a portable doggie dish to put water in.

小小奇异鸟杰克,金鱼莉莉,小狗庄叔华和小猫凯蒂遇见了大象里奥。Little kiwi bird Jacke, golden fish Lily, doggie Joshua and catKittyt are meeting the elephant Leon.

这家豪华的宠物疗养圣地提供拥有狗狗床和纯平电视的高级宠物标准间。This luxury pet resort and spa offers standard suites, which include doggie beds and flat screen TVs.

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这就好比连狗刨都没学会就想在奥运会上拿金牌。That’s like saying you could win an Olympic medal in swimming without learning to doggie paddle first.

拍摄途中,狗狗一直想坐下来,而锐客就一直阻止它坐下。During the shooting, Doggie had been trying to sit down and I had been trying to keep him from sitting down.

可是一个资优的孩子就会说,那儿有个棕色的小狗在后院闻我们的花。A two-year-old who is gifted might say, 'There's a brown doggie in the backyard and he's sniffing our flower.'