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该算法在不同的计算阶段之间进行数据重映射。Data remapping is used between successive computation steps of STAP.

除需人工送包、穿带外。其余动作均能自动完成…They can stap automatically on the condition that you carry the packages and put the band through.

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所得结果有助于研究基于前视圆面阵的空时自适应处理。The results obtained are helpful to research STAP based on forward looking circular planar array antennas.

在这种杂波环境中,常规处理和空时二维处理都难以得到好的性能。In this case, good detective performance can not be obtained by using either conventional or STAP processing method.

常规统计STAP在非均匀环境中性能会急剧下降。The performance of the conventional statistical STAP meets great degradation under nonhomogeneous samples or environment.

本文着重研究的就是非均匀样本或称环境下的STAP滤波及目标检测。This paper puts great emphasis on the investigation of STAP filtering and target detection in nonhomogeneous environment.

天行者阿纳金和贝拉?卡赞用一架偷来的STAP逃离了采集器,并召集共和国军队以阻止采集器。Anakin Skywalker and Bera Kazan escaped the Harvester on a stolen STAP and called in Republic forces to stop the Harvester.

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仿真结果表明,相对于传统的降秩STAP方法,KA-RR方法具有更好的杂波抑制性能和更强的鲁棒性。The simulation results show the KA-RR method is morn robust in nonhomogeneous clutter environment compared with conventional RR STAP method.

最后给出了一组基于异构处理系统的测试基准和实际STAP系统的实现过程,验证了该研究的有效性。Finally, a set of tasks benchmarks of heterogeneous processing board is given, and a real STAP processor is implemented to verify the validity of the study.

第四章提出了解决干扰目标问题的一种新思路——抗干扰目标STAP算法,这种算法可以归入主波束保形技术中。A new solution to interference target, anti-interference-target STAP algorithm is proposed in chapter 4, which falls under the synthesis technique of sum pattern.

其次详细介绍STAP的基本原理,在此基础上研究空域降维和时域降维方法。Secondly, the fundamental principle of STAP is presented in detail, and on that basis, the reduced-rank processing methods in both space domain and time domain are researched.