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我一定要有职业和社交生活。I must have employment and society.

什么是目标投资区?What is a targeted employment area?

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你下周一就可以来上班了。You can begin employment next Monday.

他的职业是装订工。His employment is that of a bookbinder.

私人职业介绍所怎么样?What about private employment agencies?

御手洗还支持员工终身雇用制。He also believes in lifetime employment.

接下来,你可以办理你的就业证了。Next you can transact Employment permit.

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英国禁止政府职介所发布涉性招聘广告。Sex job ads banned at employment offices.

雇佣法可以被引为一例。Employment law may be cited as an example.

公司须受英国雇用法约束。The company is bound by UK employment law.

因雇佣关系终止而没收。Forfeitures upon Termination of Employment.

采取积极主动的就业服务措施。Adopting active employment service measures.

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他通过职业介绍所找到了一个工作。He found a job through an employment agency.

他通过一个职业代理处得到这份工作。He got the job through an employment agency.

自雇可以带来许多好处。Self employment could bring many advantages.

我们要广开就业门路。We have opened up more avenues of employment.

就业安全已不再受到保障。Employment security can no longer be guaranteed.

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不过并没有传出任何雇佣法改革的消息。No word on any change to employment laws though.

合理调整就业结构。Rationally readjusting the employment structure.

这是一篇关于教师从业动力的论文。This paper is about teachers employment dynamic.