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李看到的是一个更世俗的未来。Li saw a more worldly future.

喜爱世俗的享乐。He is fond of worldly enjoyments.

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他喜爱世俗的享乐。He is fond of worldly enjoyments.

世俗的骚动,席卷荒野。And worldly tempests, raging wild.

政治必须成为一个纯粹的世俗事务。Politics must become a purely worldly affair.

市井小人崇拜成功犹如膜拜上帝。Worldly people bow the knee to success as to god.

其中之一差不多一定得是世路的腾达。One of these stages is almost sure to be worldly advance.

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最不谙世事的工作据说是最幸福的工作。The least worldly are reported to be the happiest of all.

名声、财产、知识等等是身外之物。Fame, wealth and knowledge are merely worldly possessions.

世俗的事情会随着季节的变迁而逐渐消失。For worldly things will foole away as seasons come and go.

他已看破红尘,出家当和尚了。He has died to worldly matters and become a Buddhist monk.

神所立的约与世俗文化天差地别。God's covenant stands in sharp contrast to worldly culture.

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为这,本人已在佛前求了500年,求他让本人们结一段尘缘。For this, I prayed 500 years. Begged him to let the worldly.

你们可否知道世上善良型态的人是怎样的?Do you know what a worldly person endowed with sattva is like?

在消极方面,它教导我们向不敬虔的事和世俗的情欲说「不」。It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly pleasures.

或许你说点什么睿智的话好让你看起来深沉而善于言辞。Maybe you say something smart and try to look worldly and deep.

当完治的旧情人关口里美出现时,一场俗气的争斗开始了。When Kongji's old lover Limei appeared, a worldly contest began.

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尘世间的一切繁杂,都被抛到了九霄云外。Worldly all complicated, was cast to be flung to the four winds.

如果人们在谈世俗之事,他会立即离开。If people talk about worldly things, he leaves the place at once.

小桥温泉是抛开尘世喧闹的静居胜地。The Little Bridge Hot Spring is a retreat from the worldly noise.