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奥巴马先生也应该试图争取中立派的共和党。Mr Obama should also court centrist Republicans.

但其目的还是值得称赞的,这是任何中间派议员都会认可的目的。But the goal is worthy, one that any centrist can endorse.

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卡普里莱斯在中间派第一正义党内处于主要领导地位。Mr Capriles, of the centrist Justice First party, now leads the primary field.

我们中间派的候选人,这位中间派候选人,名字是Our kind of centrist candidate, maybe even this centrist candidate who's name is?

他希望内塔亚胡用他的强硬伙伴来交换欧莫特德的前进党。He wants Mr Netanyahu to swap his hardline partners for Tzipi Livni's centrist Kadima party.

你们可以睁开眼睛了,现在发生了什么,我们有两个中间派候选人you can open your eyes again, so now what happened, We ended up with two centrist candidates.

他说,他将对哈马斯采取比目前的中间派前进党政府更为强硬的立场。He said he would take a tougher stand against Hamas than the ruling centrist Kadima party has done.

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他必须是中间派。He must remain a philosophical centrist who garners our best and brightest from both sides of the aisle.

而中间派领导人贝鲁的异军突起也是总统大选呈现三足鼎立之势。The rise of the centrist François Bayrou has turned the presidential election into an open three-horse race.

初步点票结果显示,持中间立场的尼泊尔大会党在加德满都的将近一半地区处于领先地位。Initial results show the centrist Nepal Congress Party leading in about half of the districts in the capital.

她把自己重塑为一个走中间路线的“好好先生”,与重要的保守派共同支持议案。She has remodelled herself as an impeccably centrist senator, co-sponsoring bills with prominent conservatives.

这将该任期转向左翼,惹恼了温和派的选民,他们担心庞大的政府债务。It is shifting the presidency to the left, annoying centrist voters who worry about the swelling government debt.

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通常候选人很难让选民相信,他们是左派,右派,或是中间派It's really hard for candidates to convince you, that they really are a left, or a right, or a centrist candidate.

她的温和派立场将在选举中经受考验,分析人士认为她领导的前进党要想在选举中获胜非常困难。Her centrist position will be put to the test in new elections that analysts say will be tough for her party to win.

潘恩先生是个坚定忠诚的中间派人士,他认为胜选需要靠拉拢中间选民而非巩固基本盘来实现。Mr Penn is a committed centrist who thinks elections are won by wooing swing voters rather than revving up the base.

大家可以看到,承认一方愿意做出让步而另一方不愿意会损害中间人士的信誉。You see, admitting that one side is willing to make concessions, while the other isn't, would tarnish one's centrist credentials.

你再听听,这就是所谓中间派的共和党人、专事设计超党派医疗保健方案的“六人帮”成员之一的人所说的话。Again, that's what a supposedly centrist Republican, a member of the Gang of Six trying to devise a bipartisan health plan, sounds like.

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好了,让我对那些不承认奥巴马总统已经给了他们所有的东西的“中间派”专家特殊地喊一声。Oh, and let me give a special shout-out to "centrist" pundits who won't admit that President Obama has already given them what they want.

如果她投票赞成,那么她就树立了一个比较温和的中立派形象,并且在接下来的一个选举年中在选民中营造良好的声誉。If she votes in favor of the bill, she will look more like a centrist and be in good standing with the voters during the next election year.

以色列持中间立场的前进党同极端正统派的沙斯党签署了一项联合协议,从而扫清了获得议会多数的道路。Israel's centrist Kadima Party has signed a coalition deal with the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party, clearing the way for a parliamentary majority.