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我想要些水解渴。I need some water to quench.

我想要些水解渴。I want some water to quench.

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瓶中之酒岂能解渴,画饼岂能解饥。Wine in the bottle does not quench thirst.

那里有泉水给我解渴?What springs to quench my thirst are there?

瓶中酒不解渴。/画上的饼不充饥。The wine in the bottle does not quench thirst.

但并不熄灭它们那奇异的火焰。Reddens , but does not quench their eerie flame.

如果内心在燃烧,则没有形式可以将其扑灭。And if the heart is aflame, no form will quench it.

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氧是如何严密第淬灭荧光的?How exactly does the oxygen quench the fluorescence?

读者quench最近来信时提出的一个问题Reader quench recently wrote in with a great question

分别是淬火,回火,退火,正火。Heat quench heat temper heat anneal heat correctitude.

为了缓解沙漠之渴,我来到了一家木屋旅馆歇脚。I stopped at an old log hotel to quench a desert thirst.

你可以用水来淹死一个孩子或用来给你解渴。You can use water to drown a child or quench his thirst.

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现在除了一杯冰水外,什麽也无法让我止渴。Nothing but a glass of icy water can quench my thirst now.

实际上,这样茶味最好,并能解渴。Indeed , it is excellent and will probably quench my thirst.

夏季里有一天,一只公鹿来到池边喝水。A stag, one summer's day, came to a pool to quench his thirst.

我可以解你们永生的渴,而不仅仅是此刻。I can quench your thirst for eternity, not just in this moment.

喝一瓶汽水不够解渴。Having a bottle of soft drink is not enough to quench my thirst.

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甲胺磷对血影膜的荧光有强烈的猝灭作用。The methamidophos can quench the fluorescence of membrane protein.

青年男女一定要克制早婚的欲望。Young men and women must quench their desire to marry early in life.

合成了适用于乙烯装置急冷油系统的新型减粘剂BI-01。A new viscosity inhibitor BI-01 is synthesized for quench oil system.