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我是个窝囊废。I was a wimp.

我在说废话吗?Am I being a wimp?

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他会认为我是个孬种。He'd think I'm a wimp.

您尽可以把我想象成一个循规蹈矩的人。You can think I'm a wimp if you want.

我看我的妹妹大概是嫁了一个真正的软骨头。I'm afraid my sister married a real wimp.

你是个胆小鬼。You're gutless. You're a wimp.You're a chicken.

别胆怯了白枭,认真对待我的演奏!Stop being a wimp Owl and take my playing like a man!

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当发生严肃的问题时,他们的父母也一定不会懦弱。These parents don’t wimp out when there’s a tough issue to face.

我的问题是,我是个爱生气的懦弱的人,而且不能坚持到底。My problem was that I was an anger wimp and didn't follow through.

对于罗津的理论,我表示同意,虽然以嗜辣如命者的标准来衡量,我只能算个经不住辣的软骨头。I have to agree, although by true chili-head standards, I am a wimp.

爱丽丝即将成年,在母亲的安排下,她将会嫁给一个懦弱的男人。Her mother has arranged for her marriage to a milquetoast wimp of a man.

对于大多数球员,只是被自己正在操控,屁股,接吻懦夫。For most guys, just being themselves is being a manipulative, ass-kissing wimp.

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我这么问了后,感觉自己就像废物,只能重新出发回到山坡上。Feeling like a complete wimp for ever having asked, I set off back up the slope.

如果在恰当的时候跳过你室外锻炼计划,没有人会认为你是个很“瘪”的人——特别是天气非常糟糕的时候。We don't think you're a wimp if you skip your outdoor run on certain, particularly bad days.

氙气是一个非常沉重的元素,因而具有更大的跨越与懦夫相撞一节。Xenon is a very heavy element, and thus has a larger cross section for collision with a WIMP.

与低温暗物质实验类似,其亦旨在直接探测到弱作用大质量粒子,不过使用了不同的技术手段。Like CDMS, this aims to make a direct detection of WIMP particles, but uses different technology.

这可能会给奥斯陆的反战分子留下深刻印象,不过在美国人看来他就像个懦夫。This may impress the peaceniks of Oslo, but from the American perspective he's looking like a wimp.

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我在学校像个混混,事情在我这儿总是变得比其他人更加难以对付。I wasn’t just being a wimp at school, things were genuinely more difficult for me than for other people.

在2008年竞选中被漫画讽刺味对外政策懦夫的奥巴马,如今已成为一名战士总统。Caricatured as a foreign policy wimp in the 2008 election campaign, Barack Obama is now a warrior president.

物理学家已经知道宇宙中包含的暗物质总量,却不知道单个WIMP的重量。Physicists know how much dark matter the universe contains in total, but not how much each individual WIMP weighs.