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噢,同时,从现在开始,美国也要取消太平洋自由贸易区谈判。Oh, by the way, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty-starting now.

第二章,NAFTA投资争端解决机制中的法庭之友。Chapter Two focus on the Amicus Curiae in NAFTA investment dispute settlement mechanism.

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在初选过程中,奥巴马和希拉里都将矛头指向了北美自由贸易协定。During the primaries Mr Obama joined Mrs Clinton in turning up the rhetorical heat against NAFTA.

到了下世纪初,亚洲经济体系综合计算的绝对经济数值,将超越欧洲联盟或北大西洋自由贸易区。By early in the next century the Asian economies together will exceed the European Union or NAFTA in absolute size.

北美自由贸易协议包括货物贸易、贸易的技术壁垒、政府采购、投资和服务。The NAFTA agreement covers trade in goods, technical barriers to trade, government procurement, investment, and services.

晚近,随着NAFTA的生效,美国被越来越多的投资者诉至国际仲裁庭。With the NAFTA in operation, the United States were sued several times by foreign investors in the international tribunals.

这种冲击自下而上是权力下放的需要,自上而下是超国家的联邦,就像欧盟和北美自由贸易协议。It is attacked from below by demands for devolution and from above by supranational confederations, such as the EU and NAFTA.

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对于试图区别他们两个在健保和北美自由贸易协定上的立场来说,这不过是标准的攻击手段。It was pretty standard fare when it comes to trying to distinguish between the two of them on issues like healthcare and NAFTA.

可能关于北美自由贸易协定的竞选宣言不过是随便说说,但是指望这个来获胜,这想法未免太疯狂了。Maybe campaign rhetoric about Nafta is nothing more than that. But counting on it requires, one might say, the audacity of hope.

因此,WPTC不能仅把目光集中在北美自由贸易区和西欧,最佳机会无疑是在这之外的其它地区。The WPTC cannot, however, focus its efforts solely on NAFTA and Western Europe because arguably the best opportunities are elsewhere.

美国老百姓不同意自由贸易,政府非要签,啥事都变坏了,除非停止,严管边界,控制能源价格。It will never get better untill NAFTA is stopped, control the borders, and control fuel prices oil does not need to be on wall street.

第三章,NAFTA投资争端解决机制中引入法庭之友的价值分析及现存问题。Chapter Three analyzes the value of producing Amicus Curiae into NAFTA investment dispute settlement mechanism and the present problems.

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本文介绍了NAFTA产生的背景,评价了NAFTA蕴含的战略思想和理论及其在世界贸易体系的地位。This paper introduces the background of NAFTA and evaluates the strategy and theory of it. Its role played in the world trade system is discussed.

经过短短几年的发展,北美三国之间的经济融合机制,同时,墨西哥也实现了自强目的。After a few years, the mechanism of economic fusion is enhanced in the three countnes of NAFTA. And Mexico has realized its self-strengthening aim.

前第一夫人反对巴拉克•奥巴马阵营批评她在健保和北美自由贸易协定上立场的几封宣传邮件。The former first lady was objecting to a pair of mailings from Barack Obama's camp that criticized her positions on healthcare and the NAFTA trade agreement.

无论在非歧视规则方面还是在市场准入制度方面,NAFTA金融服务条款都比FSA更趋向于金融服务自由化。The financial service provisions of NAFTA are more tended to financial liberalization than FSA in WTO both on non- discriminatory rule and the market access rule.

奥巴马重申了他的看法,即北美自由贸易协定有关环境和劳工标准的附加协议应纳入主协议框架,以确保执行。Mr.Obama reiterated his belief that Nafta side agreements on environmental and labor standards should be incorporated into the main agreement to ensure enforcement.

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但就算是欧盟,一个可以堪称“种族至下”的北美自由贸易协定经济一体化计划,目前也阻碍着欧盟区的经济复苏。Even the EU, a project that compares favourably to the "race-to-the-bottom" economic integration of the Nafta variety, is currently hampering the Eurozone's recovery.

而新任美国总统在其竞选期间要求有关北美贸易协定重新进行谈判时,也反复提及自由贸易与公平贸易的区别。And during his election campaign, the new U.S. president repeatedly made the distinction between free trade and fair trade when calling for the renegotiation of NAFTA.

第二章研究公正与公平待遇标准在仲裁实践中的适用情形,包括依据NAFTA第11章规定提起的仲裁案例以及依双边投资条约产生的案例。Chapter 2 deals with the use of fair and equitable treatment standard in arbitral practice, including its use in both NAFTA Chapter 11 arbitration and BITs arbitration.