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你明白我的意思吗?Do you follow me?

马克西!跟着我!Maxie! Follow me!

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请跟我学。Please follow me.

请跟我学。Follow me, please.

顺着中央大街走。Follow Main Street.

我不能跟你走。I can't follow you.

好好,跟你走。Okay, I follow you.

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当初我为什么要去跟她?Why did I follow her?

跟新西点学!Follow New Westpoint !

注意跟着字幕,And follow the subtitles

接着用滋润霜。Follow with Moisturiser.

请跟着护士去。Please follow the nurse.

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今天我也卖个关子。Today, I'll follow suit.

我们追随总统。We follow our president.

跟我进去看看吧。Follow me inside and see.

我和姆罗迪随后就到。I'll follow with M'Rorty.

我愿意跟你去任何地方.I’ll follow you anywhere.

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现在听我们唱,然后跟上来!Now listen and follow us!

好,那来跟我学吧。OK, come on and follow me.

跟着自己的心走!Follow their own hearts go!