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我们的文化宽容了性暴力。There is a culture permissive of sexual violence.

然而饮食指南是不会长期保持如此宽松的。Dietary guidelines would not remain so permissive for long.

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而Beagle的许可开源协议在这一领域是个优势。Beagle's permissive open source license is a strength in this area.

仿真结果表明贴片机系统的动态精度能够被控制在许可范围内。The results show that the precision is controlled within permissive range.

在一定范围内提高温度和延长时间对漂白有利。It is favorable for bleaching to increase temperature and time within a permissive extent.

有些人在极为严格的家庭教育之后变成了宽容的家长,但蔡没有。Some react to an exceedingly strict household by becoming permissive parents, but not Chua.

次级保护2控制继电系统将利用允许超出转移跳闸方案。The primary 2 pilot relaying system will utilize the permissive overreaching transfer trip scheme.

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如果您基于此代码构建了一个新的项目,那么您也要在相同的许可条款下发布该项目么?If you build a new project based on this code, do you distribute it under permissive terms as well?

联邦证据规则虽然没有明确批判Frye规则,但是它们采纳了一种更加宽容的方法。While not explicitly repudiating the Frye rule, the Federal Rules adopt a more permissive approach.

如今,“放纵”“风雨飘摇的60年代”成为当代社会冲突的代名词。The so called "permissive" or "swinging sixties" has become a metaphor for contemporary social conflict.

是的,上帝实在是至高的统治者,但是约伯却不知道上帝容许这些事发生的旨意。Yes, God was indeed sovereign, but Job did not understand the permissive will of God in allowing this to happen.

单个传感器的多点测量方法拥有更大的自由度,为该装置的应用提供了更多的选择范围。Single transducer's multi-meterage has more permissive possiblities what make for a wider choice of applications.

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美国有显示自动自发承担规则的佣金角色,当代理显得太许可的时候。States have shown a willingness to assume the Commission's role in regulation, when the agency appears too permissive.

行政法上的特许行为是行政行为的特殊形态,是一种特别的行政许可行为。The priviledged act of administrative law is a special form of administrative act, particularly a kind of permissive act.

对比与那些越发宽容的社会,在一些限制更多的社会中,利用左手的人要少一些。Also, some more restrictive societies show less left-handedness in their populations than other more permissive societies.

由于“价值中立”原则被误用,所以社会研究对“非善”有纵容的倾向。In social studies, there is a permissive atmosphere for the "non-truth", originated from the misuse of "value-freedom" principle.

而移植含有高浓度施万细胞的周围神经节段则可能可以加强脊索损伤的再生。Transplantation of highly permissive Schwann cell-enriched peripheral nerve grafts may enhance regeneration in spinal cord injury.

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提供具有完整源代码和宽松授权方式的规范参考实现的趋势使事情变得更简单。The trend to providing canonical reference implementations with complete source code and permissive licensing has made life a lot easier.

这种开放容忍的环境使人们对婚前性行为和婚外恋的看法开放。This kind of permissive environment has influenced people to have liberal and permissive attitude towards premarital and extramarital sex.

碳酸盐可以说明水是中性的,所以为早期火星生命的存在提供了可能。The carbonate is also evidence that the water was chemically neutral, which would have made conditions "more permissive" for life on early Mars.