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什么是略读?What is skimming?

她正撇去牛乳之乳皮。She is skimming the milk.

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一只燕子掠过湖面往西飞。A swallow flew west skimming the lake.

在跳读段落时,搜寻段落涉及内容的线索。When skimming a passage, look for clues to what it is about.

费塞正用扁石子在湖面上打水漂。Facer was skimming flat stones across the surface of the lake.

一只大盘子直向听差的脑袋飞来。A large plate came skimming out, straight at the footman 's head.

而且,在标记当中查找内容使得略读也很困难。And finding the content amidst the tags makes skimming difficult.

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蜻蜓总是在水面上撒卵。A dragonfly sows its eggs while skimming the surface of the water.

在练习阅读速度技巧就是跳跃式及扫描式。Also practice speed-reading techniques like skimming and scanning.

不断练习阅读技巧如略读和扫读以确定具体信息。Practice reading skills such as skimming and scanning for information.

不断练习阅读技巧如略读和扫读以确定具体信息。Practise reading skills such as skimming and scanning for information.

而且它们是从地面捕食而非潜海猎杀。Rather than skimming the sea, they plucked their prey from the ground.

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撇渣过频或操作不当会使浮渣损失很大。Frequent skimming or improper skimming can cause a much higher dross loss.

快刀斩乱麻式的读经,只会教人把神的应许忘得一乾二净。Just skimming and scanning the Bible makes one forgetful of God's promises.

今天目光在书架上游走的时候,碰巧看到赵赵的名字了。I happened to get a glimpse of Zhaozhao when my eye was skimming over the books.

一天,俊在浏览报纸的时候,读到一篇关于袁隆平的评论。One day, when skimming through a newspaper, Tuan read a comment on Yuan Longpin.

但每隔几个月,我就意识到我总是收到那些我不关注的博客的信息。But every few months I realize I’m collecting posts from blogs that I am simply skimming.

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快速阅读课程所教授的技巧不能帮助理解和记忆。Speed-reading courses preach a form of skimming that doesn’t help comprehension or retention.

这次热带风暴的后续影响将使漏油清理工作停止到周末才能重新开始。Aftereffects from the storm could keep the skimming operation from resuming until this weekend.

在应该仔细观察之刻,浮光掠影而过就会导致我们误判形势。We misread a situation because we are skimming it, when what we should be doing is perusing it.