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那狗用两只后腿站着乞食。The dog cocked its hind leg.

马用后腿立了起来。The horse rose on its hind legs.

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我敢肯定欣德先生会找到工作的。I'm sure Mr. Hind will get the job.

多久后能彻底消肿?How long hind can complete detumescence?

晚餐后不吃任何东西。Dinner hind does not have pron any thing.

如弯曲后不能恢复,则应更换新件。If bend hind irreclaimable, should change new.

如果后腿有狼爪,可以切除。Dewclaws, if any on the hind legs may be removed.

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固然如此,胜利属于印度,希看终有一天我的国家能幡然醒悟。Still, Jai hind and Let my country awake one day.

有很长的耳朵和后腿。Jackrabbits have very long ears and long hind legs.

它用后腿支撑着摇晃的身体,然后慢慢顺着后腿转过身去。She rocked back on her hind legs and pivoted to turn.

它们用后腿站立时,高约2.5米。Standing on their hind legs, they are about 2.5m tall.

它后脚上的腺体能分泌出毒液来。The glands on its hind feet can secrete poisonous fluid.

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如果后肢有狼爪,通常需要切除。Dewclaws, if any, on the hind legs are generally removed.

月经后多久是危险期,其他都是安全期吗?How long is menstrual hind crises, other be safety period?

后段画幅较长,称“无用师卷”。Hind paragraph format longer, said "useless division roll".

现在,在奥斯卡的后腿的端部已经有了圆钉。Right now, Oscar has round pegs at the end of his hind legs.

在中速小跑时,后腿提供了强大的驱动力。At a moderate trot the hind legs are powerful and propelling.

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他们没有前线和后肢之间线的区别。They make no distinction between frontline and hind the line.

在马回到蹄迹线时后肢不能交叉。The horse returns to the track without the hind legs crossing.

每条后肢在行进中都与前肢在同一侧。Each hind leg moves in the path of the foreleg on the same side.