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他招认全部犯罪行为。He confessed all his crimes.

她承认痛恨这个老板。She confessed hating the boss.

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我知道我理亏了,只好承认了。I knew I wrong, and had confessed.

承认错误就等于改正一半。A fault confessed is half redressed.

承认错误,等于改正一半。A fault confessed is half redressed.

没用的,查普曼。泰特招供了。It's no use, Chapman. Tate confessed.

然后,他讲了一个不同的故事。He then confessed to a different story.

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他死前向神父忏悔。He confessed to the priest before he died.

他死前向神甫作了忏悔。He confessed to the priest before he died.

其次、他承认自己的不配。Second, he confessed his own unworthiness.

“万事开头难嘛,”他坦白说。“At first it was difficult, ” he confessed.

于是我讲述了擀面棍的故事。So I confessed the story of the rolling pin.

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比安奇供认了其中五项谋杀。Bianchi had confessed to five of the murders.

那个年轻人忏悔了他的罪孽,得到了宽恕。The youth confessed his sms and was absolved.

他私下里向帕德梅忏悔了自己的行为。In private, he confessed his actions to Padmé.

最后,她坦白交代自己偷了钱。She finally confessed to have stolen the money.

伯多禄明认耶稣是默西亚、基督。Peter has confessed Jesus as the Messiah, Christ.

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对毒打苏某的事情,林某等3人均供认不讳。Sumou of beating things, Lin and 3 per confessed.

警察对犯人严厉盘问,直到他认罪为止。The police grilled the prisoner until he confessed.

检察官说,他已经承认这些命案。Prosecutors said he had confessed to those slayings.