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具有讽刺意味的是,有时盲目的勇敢出自无知。Ironically sometimes blind brave comes out of nescience.

他还提出了一个管理“新态”的四步法。He then provides a four-step guide to managing nescience.

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告诉别人过多你的信息可能使你暴露于更多的无知之下。Telling others everything about you probably makes you opening yourself up to more nescience.

开垛口、城墙、胸墙具备的无知的要塞极度盛行。Complete with crenellations, ramparts and parapets , the stronghold of nescience reigns supreme.

人类因无知和偏见引起的冲突,有时比利益引起的冲突更可笑。The human's conflict which derive from the nescience and warp is much more derisible than the conflict which derive from the benefit.

人们出于各种原因从事危险的活动,其中可能包括金钱,快乐,也许具有讽刺意味的是,无知。People engage themselves in dangerous activities for various reasons which probably includes money pleasure and perhaps ironically nescience.

在善性中的人崇拜半人神,在欲望情感中的人崇拜魔鬼,其他无知的人崇拜鬼魂和幽灵。Those in goodness worship the demigods, those in passion worship the demoniac, other personas in nescience the spirits of the dead and ghosts.

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它只对什么的当时,显示已得到科学的证实,发音是盛世的懵懂的海洋中的一个小岛。It pronounces only on whatever, at the time, appears to have been scientifically ascertained, which is a small island in an ocean of nescience.

它仅发音在什么,在,看上去科学地被查明了时候,是一个小海岛在无学海洋。It pronounces only on whatever, at the time , appears to have been scientifically ascertained, which is a small island in an ocean of nescience.

无法放弃妄想,恐惧,悲哀,沮丧和蛮干愚勇,他们的决心是处于愚昧无知的品性中。That determination O Arjuna, by which the unintelligent is unable to abandon dreaming, fearing, grieving, depression and foolhardiness is in the nature of nescience.

过去的三十年,既是我们国家经济改革开放的时代,也是城市规划工作从朦胧走向清晰、从幼稚走向成熟的时代。The last 3 decades were not only a time when our nation practiced the reform and opening policy but also a time the urban planning work stepped from nescience to conscious, from infantility to mature.