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在奥伽战争中是恶魔族的宗主。Supported the demons in the Ogre Battle.

这只脾气稍稍有些古怪的绿色怪物第四次出现在了我们的眼前。The fourth outing for the grumpy green ogre.

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这时,怪物才刚刚从云端爬下来。The ogre was just coming down through the clouds.

我的小学校长是一个真正的妖魔。The headmaster at my junior school was areal ogre.

我是个像恶魔一样的老板,而他们却非常有耐心。I am an ogre to work for and they are very patient.

吃完早餐后,怪物坐在了他的金竖琴旁边。After breakfast, the ogre sat beside his golden harp.

马吕斯象饿鬼似的吃了一顿,给了堂倌六个苏。Marius ate like an ogre. He gave the waiter six sous.

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没有了牙,弗罗格没法回到食人魔群中。Without his tooth, Frolg is not welcome back in Ogre camp.

这个蓝色皮肤的食人魔身上带有黑色的文身。This blue-skinned ogre has dark designs painted on his body.

科学能够成为魔鬼或成为天使,这要取决于人们如何对待科学。Science can be an ogre or an angel, depending on how one looks at it.

这样的一点点片面的食人魔和恶魔之间的斗争。It kind of makes the fight between the Ogre and the Fiend a tad one-sided.

食人怪尽力以其所能做到的温和态度接待了猫,并请它坐下。The ogre received him as civilly as an ogre could do, and made him sit down.

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他们一起在蒂拉的姐姐搜索,谁是由野生怪物绑架。Together they go in search of Teela's sister, who was kidnapped by a wild ogre.

怪物尽一个怪物所能礼貌的接待了猫,并请他入座。The Ogre received Puss as civilly as an ogre could do and asked him to sit down.

在“杰克与魔豆”中,杰克用计才没被食人魔兽吃掉。In "Jack and the Beanstalk" Jack play a trick on the ogre to keep from being eaten.

到乌鸦岭墓园北方小屋里找「亚伯克隆比」还任务“巨魔盗贼”并接后续任务“给镇长的字条”。Go back to Abercrombie and hand in "Ogre Thieves", get the follow up "Note to the Mayor".

妖魔从睡梦中被惊醒,抓起他的冬青大棒,冲出门去追赶杰克。The ogre jumped up from his sleep, seized his great holly club, and sprang out of doors after Jack.

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它似乎有些像某种动画里的绿色食人魔。But what is not so common is the fish's face, which seems to resemble a certain animated green ogre.

画只是警示,他们明白如果他们不顾警示冲进来,那他们面前必定是一头发疯的真巨魔了。The troll is a warning. They know if that if they bypass the troll, they’ll be confronted by an ogre.

为了重新找回内心深处的那个怪物,史莱克跟侏儒怪签订了一份协议,以便重新当一天的怪物。To reclaim his inner ogre, Shrek signs a contract with Rumpelstiltskin that makes him an Ogre for a Day.