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她创作了十部以伦敦黑社会为背景的畅销小说。She is the bestselling author of ten novels set in London's gangland.

黑社会性质犯罪是有组织犯罪的一种表现形式。The crime of gangland owns its organization, which was caused by many reasons.

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黑社会性质犯罪与黑社会犯罪没有本质上的不同。There is no fundamental difference between mafia-style crime and gangland crimes.

而我认为这些黑社会的策略,我们在竞选中一直看到。And I think that these kind of gangland tactics, we've seen throughout the campaign.

这名字还在,而且30年后,它竟然和残忍的黑帮屠杀联系在一起。The name stuck, and three decades later it would become associated with sadistic gangland slayings.

新中国成立后彻底肃清了中国大陆的黑社会势力。After new China was founded, the gangland forces in the mainland of China were eliminated completely.

恐怖主义犯罪与恐怖犯罪、政治犯罪与黑社会性质犯罪等相近概念之间的界限有必要加以明确。Such similar concepts as terrorist crime, terrorist act, political crime and gangland crime should be defined distinctly.

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正确界定黑社会性质组织的法律特征,是及时、准确、有效地打击黑社会性质组织及其犯罪活动的前提。Correctly defining the characteristics of gangland is a prerequisite to crash Mob organization and their crimes timely, accurately and effectively.

到现在还没有高级别官员的贪污案件得到定罪,例如自2001年来发生的120多起黑社会枪击事件还没有一件被破获。No case of high-level official corruption has led to a successful conviction, just as not one of more than 120 gangland shootings since 2001 has been cleared up.

不过,如果他充分考虑了吞并贾巴黑帮势力的计划,那么扫清一切竞争者,哪怕不放过未成年的家族子嗣,自然是他需要优先执行的大事。But if he'd thought through the reality of grabbing Jabba's gangland power, then wiping out all rivals, even baby heirs, had to be high on his list of priorities.

黑社会犯罪与有组织犯罪是两个不同范畴的概念,前者揭示的是犯罪的社会形态,后者仅反映犯罪的组织形态。Gangland crime differs from organized crime in which the former reveals the social formation of crime while the latter reveals the organization formation of crime.

我国目前正处于社会转型期,近年来毒品犯罪、黑社会性质组织犯罪、恐怖活动犯罪和走私犯罪日益猖獗。Now, our country is in the period of changing. So the drug offenses, the crime of gangland organization, horror activity offenses and snuggling are rampant increasingly.

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这个人一生勤劳、勇敢、机敏、正义,与命运抗争了一生,最后,被黑社会迫害、殴打致死!Through all his life, this guy was really hard-working, brave, smart and justice, he fought against the fate. However, he had been persecuted by gangland and beaten to death!

通过分析黑社会性质犯罪产生的成因,以期为遏制黑社会性质犯罪提供理论依据和实践参考。The author inquires into the causes which produce the crime with the feature of gangland in order to provide the theory foundation and the practical reference to restrain this kind of crime.

黑社会犯罪问题是当今世界各国都普遍关注的热点问题,我国的黑社会犯罪在近年来也死灰复燃,严重的危害了我国的社会稳定和人民群众的生命财产安全。Gangland crime is the focus of attention of the world, the problem occurred in recent years in China and has seriously endangered the country's social stability and the people's lives and property.

相光英云南西双版纳人,从小离开家,成为乞丐,后走入黑社会,过打打杀杀的生活。XiangGuangying comes from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan province. She left home when she was a little girl and became a beggar. Later, she entered the gangland and lived a life full of fighting and killing.