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我们的还价是有道理的。It is with reason to huckster.

他们企图强行向我推销红色短袜。They tried to huckster red socks to me.

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你可以在黑市上讨价还价。You can huckster over prices on the black market.

我认为我们没必要在日期问题上没完没了的争论。I don't think it's necessary for us to huckster the date.

那时我爸爸决定到海滩上的石港镇去做小生意。He decided to start a "huckster" route into the town of Stone Harbor on the beach.

为利混乱神的道之人“在一个英文版本的圣经中被翻译成”小贩。The men of peddling the word for profit" in another version of Bible described as "huckster.

这类故事往往涉及到买一些东西,与此同时,小贩们银行帐户里的存款却在上涨。This usually involves buying something and the only thing here growing is the huckster 's bank account.

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在中国,凡做花卉交易的大小商人,没有人不知道“昆明斗南”的。Be in China, every does the big huckster that flowers trades, do not know without the person " Kunming is fought south ".

圣诞节的粥和一大块黄油来了——的确,这时他体会到小商人是他的主人。And when Christmas came again, and brought the dish of jam and the GREat lump of butter, he liked the huckster best of all.

上周,我的一个朋友公开叫我是“卖吆喝的”,我想他的确切用词是“世界级大话王”。Last week, a friend of mine publically called me out as a Huckster. I think the exact term he used was "world class bullshitter."

伍迪的反应是,一个艺术家必须按照自己的直觉创作,而不能屈服于那些被阅读率调查驱使的商人们。Woody's response was that an artist has to follow his own intuition, rather than obey some huckster driven by readership surveys.

因此,任何一位卖药郎中想要夸口保证A药可以治疗B病,只需宣传有几个成功的案例就可以了。So it is that any medical huckster promising that A will cure B has only to advertise a handful of successful anecdotes in the form of testimonials.

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尤其是在设计理念上,网页设计已经由最初的“叫卖式”的商业简介,逐渐发展为更注重个性化的表现形式,在体现商业的文化内涵方面也有了更进一步的提高。Web page design has evolved from original "huckster" style business brief introduction to concentration on individuation, and been promoted to present the cultural intension of certain business.