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我只好无精打采的转身回家。I had to turn around to go home lackadaisical.

我们确实打的很懒散,这是不幸的。We were real lackadaisical and it is unfortunate.

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那是因为心怀不满的员工都是懒洋洋的。That's because disgruntled employees are lackadaisical at best.

我的问题是,当取得一点点地胜利时,我们就会变得懒洋洋的。My problem is, that when we get a few wins, we become lackadaisical.

西塞罗首先警告我们要注意萎靡不振的危险。So, Cicero first warned us against the danger of being lackadaisical.

我无精打采的样子让妈妈心痛,最终,她还是向领导请了假。I looked lackadaisical her mother heartache in the end, she took leave of absence to the leadership.

选择肾部保养,让自己精力充沛,远离疲劳告别无精打采的日子!Select kidneys and maintenance, so that my energy away from the valedictory lackadaisical days of fatigue!

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安徽一间派出所最近出现一只「无精打采」的狼狗,它不叫也不闹,寸步不离地守在门口。Anhui, a police station recently a "lackadaisical" in dogs, it is not called no trouble, glued at the door.

全国安徽一处派出所最近出现一只「无精打采」的狼狗,它不叫也不闹,寸步不离地守在门口。China Anhui a police station recently a "lackadaisical" in dogs, it is not called no trouble, glued at the door.

服务是否需要足够的安全,以满足其最偏执的用户或最懒散的用户的需求?Does a service need to be as secure as the needs of its most paranoid users or as those of its most lackadaisical users?

还有一件事情令我们印象深刻,那就是我们在安塔那那利佛国际机场所接受的服务。Another is the frustratingly lackadaisical treatment one can be subject to at Ivato International Airport in Antananarivo.

人类的本性让我们不思进取,我们相信比赛会朝着我们有利的方向发展,因为事情过去一直是这样的。It's human nature to get lackadaisical and for us to believe that things are going to go right for us because they have in the past.

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随着球队继续懒散的防守,科比的低迷。我不只是期待,而是预测湖人的假期会早点来的。With their lackadaisical defense and Kobe Bryant-dependency continuing, I not only expect but predict the Lakers to be on vacation by then.

鉴于人类对气候变化的回应无精打采,汉堡的一家博物馆正在展出人类如何适应灾难的离奇设计。Given humankind's lackadaisical response to climate change, a museum in Hamburg is presenting fanciful visions of how humans might adapt to disaster.

我们有时会变的无精打采,这是自然规律我们需要相信的是我们在像好的方向前进,因为我们曾经做过很好,禅师说。It is human nature to get lackadaisical and for us to believe that things are going to go right for us because they have in the past, ' Jackson said.

王微有种“不着急”气质,讲起话来语速适中而低沉,有一种阳光下的懒洋洋。Wang Wei is gutty " not anxious " temperamental, speak to come language fast moderate and grave, those who a kind of sunshine falls is lackadaisical.

你也可能正在安顿下来,你是否满足于枯燥无味的工作、犯罪的朋友、缺乏灵命的爱情,或不冷不热和不甚认真的信心呢?Or maybe you're settling. Could it be settling for a lifeless job, sin-directed friends, spiritually lackadaisical romances, or a lukewarm, mildly committed faith?

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一般来说,他们都是努力工作,自律性高,细心工作,通常对赞比亚人那种慵懒的生活态度感到不解。Generally hard-working, disciplined and dedicated to getting the job done, they are often puzzled by what they see as the Zambians' often lackadaisical attitude to life.

虽然这赛季有些比赛打得懒懒散散,但是59场过后,骑士也爬上了东部第二,当然,后面公牛、奇才、猛龙都在疯狂追赶。Even with there sometimes lackadaisical play over the season's first 59 games, they still own the second best record in the conference, with Chicago, Washington and Toronto nipping at their heels.