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这张纸上没有明显的污损。There is no discernable offset on the paper.

他的品味相当挑,就像他只喜欢古典音乐。He has very discernable tastes he only likes classical music.

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在星点测试之下主镜没有可办别的表面起皱。Primary surface ripple below discernable amount in star test.

本应用程序中的对象具有可识别的模式。There is a discernable pattern with objects in this application.

我能发现我年老的迹象就这些。Those are the only discernable signs of aging that I can find so far.

足迹不能再被分辨但是他知道它们将在哪里结束。The boot prints were no longer discernable but be knew where they'd end.

看不到颜色代码,无法辨认被突出显示的条目。The color code cannot be seen and highlighted entries are not discernable.

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并且要时刻铭记不能在照片上留下闪光灯造成的阴影。Keep in mind that the intended result is to have no discernable flash shadow.

优雅而柔和的樱桃、甘草和黑皮果实口感十分诱人。Soft and seductive with cherry and licorice characteristics discernable in the flavors.

王亚彬的作品与中国古典艺术的关系是显而易见的。The affinity of Wang Yabin's works to Chinese classical is not only discernable but obvious.

让我觉得有趣的是,从任何客观的区辨标准来看,蓝道显然都是赢家。What chaffs my hide is that by any discernable objective criteria, Randal is the clear winner.

萨尔达湖是著名的蓝色胡,即使在上图中依稀也能分辨出来。Lake Salda is famous partly for its blue color that is slightly discernable even in the above image.

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文中提出利用分辨矩阵求不同的条件属性组合相对于决策属性的正域的方法,并给出新的求核属性的方法。Finally, based on the discernable matrix of the rough set, a core set of the indicators is found and the re.

枣花开了,香甜的小花落满了河面,一股浓郁的幽香自河水中传来。Flowers bloom and then fall on the surface of the rippling river, sending out a waft of discernable fragrance.

“心思真是巧!”魏紫拿了另一只仔细地打量,“这样若隐若现,可真是漂亮!”"Idea What a Qiao! "The Wei was purple to take another carefully conjecture, " is so and faintly discernable beautiful! "

发达经济体如美国、欧洲和日本,除却食品和能源价格,通胀并没有明显上升。In developed economies such as US, Europe and Japan, outside of food and energy prices there is no discernable rise in inflation.

此时,堪萨斯州富特海斯州立大学和西亚斯国际学院的合作关系比以往任何时候都令人瞩目。Fort Hays State University and its partnership with SIAS International University is much more than is discernable at any one time.

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这个勤奋学者的不健康状况显示出中国学术界一个长期存在的现象。The discernable unhealthiness of this hard-working scholar discloses a prevalent phenomenon that has long existed in China's academia.

针对电气量的幅值比较选线原理,提出了基于可辨识矩阵的幅值比较选线判据。Aiming at the criteria based on comparing amplitude for fault line selection, a new criterion based on discernable matrix was proposed.

“普朗克长度”远远超出了任何可想到的实验范围,因此没有人敢想象时空的微粒态也有可能被观察到。The Planck length is far beyond the reach of any conceivable experiment, so nobody dared dream that the graininess of space-time might be discernable.