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我们就是一个硬核乐队。We are just a hardcore band.

更硬的内容现在。Now with more hardcore content.

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我觉得那个东西象根硬的手指。I feel it like a hardcore finger.

许多游戏发烧友并不认为他们很发烧。Many hardcore players don't consider themselves hardcore.

许多游戏发烧友并不认为他们很发烧。Many hardcore players do not consider themselves hardcore.

即便是硬派摇滚歌手都知道伍迪加斯里是谁。Even the hardcore rock 'n' rollers know who Woody Guthrie was.

许多游戏发烧友并不认为他们很发烧。E. g. Many hardcore players do not consider themselves hardcore.

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坦率地说,我还是强烈支持使用变化不多的编程工具。Plainly put, I am strongly in favor of hardcore programming tools.

在核心处你能看到400-σ的误差线。The hardcore among you will see the 400-sigma error bars and gasp.

原先的滑雪板和滑板爱好者不再是唯一的客户了。Hardcore snowboarders and skaters are not the only customers anymore.

即使事后你怎么补救,别人只会认为你只是在死撑。How do you even after the remedy, people will think you just hardcore.

作为传统单机游戏的铁杆玩家,我一向是避免玩休闲游戏的。As a hardcore traditional console gamer, I used to avoid casual gaming.

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虽然有点像骨灰超人,但他的生活并非只有编码和工作。While similar to the hardcore geek, he has more in his life than code and work.

但如果你觉得自己够强的话,不如就在此时此地来一场暴力赛吧!If you think you are so tough, how about a hardcore match right here, right now!

工作狂不足以描述骨灰狂人,他简直就是开发员的殉道者。Workaholic doesn’t begin to describe the hardcore geek, this martyr of developers.

除了硬核玩家外,对于所有的玩家都将是一个极具吸引力的议题。For all but the most hardcore gamers, that could be a highly attractive proposition.

我倒觉得自己的硬核生命每一天都在成长。I don't know why but for me I feel that the hardcore life is growing in me everyday.

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坚固耐用的军用级设计和加长型线缆能使您的硬件成为核心力量。Rugged, military-grade design and extra-strength cables make your hardware hardcore.

我也清楚也有很多团队高玩是只参加10人团队的,但是数量真不多。I'm sure there are some hardcore raiders in a 10 man guild, but really not that many.

对我来说Bane在香港演出将会一个挺感动和特别的一晚。对硬核也是会一个很特别的一晚。Bane in Hong Kong is going to be a very special night for me and hardcore in Hong Kong.