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抓捕本·拉登,生物地理学能帮上忙吗?Can the Science of Biogeography Find Osama Bin Laden?

生物地理学研究动植物的地理分布。Biogeography is the study of plant and animal distribution.

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对青藏高原蝇科昆虫进行了生物地理学研究。The muscid biogeography of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is studied.

历史生物地理学重建生物区系历史。Historical biogeography attempts to reconstruct the biota history of the earth.

历史生物地理学的理论主要是扩散和隔离分化的理论。The theory of historical biogeography mainly consists of vicariance and dispersion.

目的对我国青藏高原圆蝇亚科昆虫进行生物地理学方面的调查。Objective To study biogeography of subfamily Mydaeinae Muscidae from Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.

例如,把化石记录,DNA证据和生物地理学在进化理论的基础上联系起来。For example, fossil records, DNA evidence and biogeography are connected under the theory of evolution.

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本研究结果可为深入探讨鳜类物种有效性、系统分类位置及生物地理学提供依据。These results were helpful for further understanding systematic position, species validity and biogeography of the sinipercine fishes.

本文的宗旨期客观的呈现出保育理論之演变及简介海岛型生物地理学及景观学之理念。The objective of this article is to present the evolution of conservation theories and concepts by introducing Island Biogeography and Landscape Ecology.

讨论了丹霞地貌山顶对生态型研究、岛屿理论研究和适应性进化研究的科学意义。Moreover, the hilltop of Danxia Landform was though to be of significance in the scientific researches of ecotype, island biogeography and adaptive evolution.

相较其它湿地,依据岛屿生物地理学“平衡理论”,与麋鹿保护区相连通的六合垸似乎在扩大麋鹿栖息地方面具有地理优势。Based on the theory of island biogeography it is seemed that liuheyuan which is connected with the reserve has the geography superiority in enlarging david's deer habitat.

综述了最近有关鱼类线粒体DNA在鱼类系统学、种间杂交渐渗、种群识别、起源和进化、地理分化等研究中的应用情况。Furthermore, we review the applications in the recent years in the fields of systematic evolution, hybridization and introgression, biogeography and population genetics of fish.

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岛屿生物地理学和集合种群理论是目前生物多样性保育所依赖的主要生态学理论。MacArthur & Wilson′s equilibrium theory of island biogeography and modern metapopulation theory are the two main theories applied in biodiversity conservation and reserve planning.

为探明物种资源,生物地理学及农林医相关应用学科的发展与后学人才培养提供基础。This program is to explore the resources of species, develop biogeography and applied sciences concerning agriculture, forestry and medicine and provide the basis for training talents.

从海岛型生物地理学理論开始到景观生态学和生物保育,串聯一个有系统性的保育开发是本研究的结論。From initiation of the theory of island biogeography to landscape ecology and conservation biology, a systematic cascade development of conservation has been summarized in this research.

在此基础上,联系岛屿生物地理学和集合群落的基本理论和相关模型,对影响岛屿植被覆盖度变化的面积效应和距离效应进行了探讨。The area effect and the distance effect influencing on the change of vegetation coverage in Zhoushan Islands were studied relating to the theories of island biogeography and meta-community.

本文在分析水下光场和藻类光合作用光谱响应基础上,阐述了海洋初级生产力遥感中的生物-地理动力学问题。This peper expounds the dynamic problem of biogeography in remote sensing of oceanic primary productivity based on the analysis of submarine light spectral response of algae photosynthesis.