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而且,有效市场假说还承认,市场调节可能不足,也可能过量。Also EMH now agrees that markets can undershoot or overshoot.

偏见影响过头或欠该议案通过关键帧。Bias affects the overshoot or undershoot of the motion through the keyframe.

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SDR电阻限制电流,因此减少信号负过冲和超限噪声。The SDRs limit the current, thereby reducing signal undershoot and overshoot noise.

另一方面,在高应变率,都超下冲不会出现。On the other hand, in the case of high strain rate, both overshoot and undershoot do not appear.

依照被看见在图3,超越并且下射没出现在注重受控情况下。As seen in Fig. 3, both overshoot and undershoot do not appear under stress-controlled condition.

笼子的锁开了,所有的石油勘探商们开始直往下冲。Lock the cage was opened, all the oil exploration companies have begun to Checkpoint to undershoot.

如果一冲发生在电池备份系统断电时,数据可能会丢失立即。Should an undershoot occur in a battery backed system during a power down, data can be lost immediately.

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但是在短期内,由于投机性销售仍在继续,大豆类产品期价可能会低于应有水平。In the short run, however, soybean complex could undershoot those levels as speculative selling runs its course.

通过昼夜测量恒星获取脱靶量解算航向角,修正惯性导航系统的航向差是船载经纬仪的主要功能。Its principal functions are to obtain undershoot error, count course angle and revise course error of inertia navigation system.

仿真结果表明,在抑制超调和负调方面,该方法具有优于ZN公式的性能。The simulating results show that this method has better performance than the Z-N formula in restricting the overshoot and undershoot.

实际上由于其购买力平价已经得到了提升了,美元可能已经被大大的低估了,因为美国已经开始难以承担数额巨大的经常帐户赤字。But having overshot PPP, the dollar may well now undershoot , because American's huge current-account deficit is becoming harder to finance.

下超调,指电压调整器或控制器在应对负荷变化时,电压或频率低于额定的量。Undershoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency drops below the nominal value as the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load.

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非最小相位系统的控制中,需要抑制由不稳定零点引起的负调并同时缩短系统的调节时间。For the control of non-minimum phase systems, there is a need to solve the problem of tradeoffs between undershoot caused by unstable zeros and settling time.

分析师还表示,英国央行也比欧洲央行更担心明年通胀率会低于目标水平,因此借助于量化宽松来做出补救.Analysts also say the Bank is more concerned than the ECB that inflation will undershoot its target next year, and is resorting to quantitative easing to remedy this.

要有新的证据显示供应吃紧损及国内需求,造成经济低于日本央行的预估,央行才会再进一步宽松货币政策.The next trigger for monetary easing would thus be fresh evidence that supply constraints are hurting domestic demand enough for the economy to undershoot the BOJ's forecasts.

为同时抑制时滞及非最小相位系统的超、负调和加快系统响应,本文提出一种基于模糊推理的智能内模控制系统。Aiming to decrease overshoot, undershoot and settling time of non-minimum phase system with time delay, this paper proposes an intelligent IMC control system based on fuzzy inference.

通过讨论分析开环系统的不稳定极点和零点给闭环系统带来的超调和下冲等一些必然属性,设计了二级倒立摆的控制器。The authors begin with some intrinsic characteristics of the closed-loop system, e. g. , overshoot and undershoot , on account of open-loop unstable poles and zeros. Then, a controller is designed.