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你这个好奇的潘多拉,你这个小恶魔!You little prying Pandora, you little demon!

咱们不肯别人窥察咱们的事情。We don't want people prying into our affairs.

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窥伺俯望,拨开视界的眼睑。For prying beneath and forcing the lids of sight.

这位老太婆爱打听别人家的事。The carline is fond of prying into others's things.

达夫因一直忙于为顾客剖开牡蛎的服务。Robert Daffin stays busy prying open the shellfish to serve customers.

近日,一个德国小偷在用信用卡撬锁的时候一不小心把自己的信用卡折成了两段。A German thief snapped his credit card in two while prying open a lock.

你坐在一旁偷偷地从侦伺的眼角看着我。You sit there watching me in secret through the corner of your prying eyes.

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可以用背皮刀胴体肩胛部分割刀或者橡胶刮刀慢慢撬一下,应该能奏效。It might take some prying with a butter knife or rubber spatula, but it works.

如果你管住自己,不窥探的话,你不会看到或听到什么使你害怕的事。You'll neither see nor hear anything to frighten you, if you refrain from prying.'

我不想除我父母以外的人管我,所以不要总是贼头贼脑地想知道我在干什么!My parents are the only ones supposed to supervise me, stop prying into my affairs!

非洲象用它们的长牙挖树根,扒树皮来获取食物。Elephants use their tusks to get food by digging up roots and prying bark off trees.

有些人则喜欢居住在城市边缘,远离人群的窥探和压倒一切的现代化气息。Others like to live at the edges of town, away from prying eyes and overwhelming updates.

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一个地板托盘后方包括备胎和皮革贵重物品从窥探。An underfloor tray in the rear covers the spare tire and hides valuables from prying eyes.

加密是隐藏或混淆数据以避免被偷窥的过程。Cryptography is the process of hiding or obfuscating data so prying eyes can’t understand it.

谁没看到,母亲怎样窥察他的脸色,想知道那个跟病魔搏斗的小宝宝究竟有没有指望?Who hasn't seen the mother prying into his face, to know if there is hope for the sick infant?

另外一种开心事是突然掀起一块石头,看那下面的一些土鳖。Another pleasure consists in suddenly prying up a paving-stone , and taking a look at the wood-lice.

对于大多数金融机构来说,他们还需要提防来自执法机构的窃听。For most financial institutions, of course, another major worry is the prying ears of law enforcement.

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它们从一座建筑跑到另一座建筑,扯掉大门或者掀开屋顶,用经过放大的声音不断地呼唤。They ran from building to building, pulling doors off or prying up roofs, calling in amplified voices.

我记得的下一件事情就是有人揪着我的下巴,都快要揪掉了,突里斯先生冲着我喊,“保罗。The next thing I remember was a ruler prying my chin off my chest, and Mr. Tullis calling to me, "Paul."

你的笔记数据库可以用一个主密码口令来维持窥探他们的安全保护。Your notes database can be password protected with a master password -keeping them safe from prying eyes!