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在我们班的学生是女同学。Three fifths of students in our class are girls.

五分之四的水都被孩子们喝了。Four fifths of the water is drunk by the children.

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现在,约有五分之二世界人口面临登革热的危险。About two fifths of the world's population are now at risk.

巴黎,是个有五分之四的居民死于悲伤的快乐城。Paris is a city of gaiety and pleasure where four fifths of the inhabitant die of grief.

升号或降号在五线谱上增加时的顺序可以用五度循环来描述。The order of keys in ascending numbers of sharps or flats can be illustrated by a circle of fifths.

当希腊人安排好,五度音程,四度音程和全音级后,他们还有一些剩余After the Greeks laid out their fifths and fourths and whole steps, they had these little leftovers.

半数德州选民和五分之三的俄亥俄选民认为经济问题才是最关键的议题。Half the voters in Texas and three- fifths in Ohio regarded the economy as the most important issue.

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根据世界卫生组织的材料,大约全球五分之二的人类处在感染此病的危险之中。Around two fifths of the world's population is currently at risk for the disease, according to the WHO.

这样佩戴时只有两个手指需拉拽,节省五分之三的时间。Only two fingers need to be pulled while wearing the three-finger gloves, thereby saving three fifths of time.

“莫扎特五度”指的是在增五六和弦进入属和弦时发生的平行五度。Mozart's fifths refers to consecutive fifths occurring when the augmented 6-5 chord resolves into the dominant.

根据世界银行的资料,政府刺激消费正推动中国超过4/5的经济增长。Government-influenced spending is driving more than four- fifths of China’s expansion, according to the World Bank.

不过,让华尔街略感欣慰的是,Apple五分之二的总收益来自美国以外。Wall Street, however, may draw some consolation that about two fifths of all Apple revenue is derived from outside the US.

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如果接下去股价涨了超过百分之五,第二批部队可以投入战斗,数量是总资金量的五分之二。When the price rises over five percent the second troop can be sent to the battlefield. The second troop is two fifths of the money.

如果你知道乐理的基本知识,那么就会注意到我从E大调开始,然后沿5度圈逆时针转动到下一个调。Those of you who have a basic knowledge of music theory, will notice that I started in the key of E-major, and moved leftwards in the circle of fifths.

在1912年至2003年期间,气力马扎罗山丧失了约五分之四的冰原,山顶其余积雪有可能在十年内消失。Between 1912 and 2003, Mount Kilimanjaro lost about four fifths of itsice fields, and the rest of the mountain’s snowcap coulddisappear within the decade.

艺术大师达芬奇的三分之二和五分之四分区成为外科医生们做整容手术的原则---这些原则只是让人看起来更愉快。The division into thirds and fifths by artist Leonardo da Vinci acts as a guide for surgeons performing facelifts – these dimension are simply pleasing to the eye.

小提琴是一种弦乐器。琴上的四根弦完美地分为五个调式。在弦乐家族中,它是体积最小的,同时也是音调最高的。The violin is a string instrument with four strings tuned in perfect fifths . It is the smallest and highest-pitched member of the violin family of string instruments.

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而那些用脱脂牛奶或酸奶代替高脂肪乳品的妇女患上不排卵不孕症的可能性超过了五分之四。But weight-watching women who substituted high fat dairy products with skimmed milk or yoghurt could increase their likelihood of being infertile by more than four fifths.

像过去的沙皇俄国一样,新的俄罗斯帝国的凝聚力来自于其斯拉夫民族的身份,占其1.4亿人口五分之四的民族。Like the old tsarist version, the new Russian empire relies on the strong ties of the Russian Slavic identity, an ethnic group that accounts for roughly four fifths of its 140 million people.