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但政治僵局却依然持续。But the political impasse lingers.

谈判陷入僵局。The negotiations have reached an impasse.

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我们的文化中的男性处在发展的僵局中。The male in our culture is at a growth impasse.

帕克希尔先生来打破僵局了。It remained for Mr Parkhill to break through the impasse.

毕加索过世以后,安装工盖内克的生活几乎陷于绝境。Picasso died, installers cover g life almost in an impasse.

目前不清楚众议院和参议院如何打破这个僵局。It is unclear how the House and Senate can resolve the impasse.

秦刚重申,中国希望通过外交途径解决这一问题。Mr. Qin reiterated China's calls for a diplomatic solution to the impasse.

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这个非盟小组现在有一个星期的时间来决定这场僵局该如何结束。The African Union panel now has one week to decide how the impasse should end.

然而,DNA微阵列这项杰出工具的问世,打破了僵局。Then a remarkable tool known as a DNA microarray, or DNA chip, broke the impasse.

我再就华盛顿的持续财政僵局说几句。Let me make one other comment on the continuing fiscal impasse here in Washington.

需要面对的明显问题是,需要做些什么才能使非洲迈过这一难关呢?Here is the obvious question. What does it take to move Africa beyond this impasse?

在此所有这些受欢迎的承诺、资金和势头陷入了僵局。Here is where all this welcome commitment, funding, and momentum reaches an impasse.

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佐利克表示,当前是打破全球贸易谈判僵局的最佳时机,否则僵局将永难打破。Zoellick said the time was "now or never" to break the impasse in global trade talks.

我们每个人都会发现自己在某时某处陷在两块横板之间,被死死钉在僵局之中。Each of us finds ourselves at some point stuck between the rungs, pinned at an impasse.

人类科学面对了一个难局,因为他对于本身的中心概念是先验的。Human science face an impasse since their central concept of the self is transcendental.

面对俊五的关怀,她以冷言冷语相报,让大家之间的气氛陷入了僵局。Jun five face care, her mocking words are reported, let the atmosphere between the impasse.

蝎子王担心如果没有什么能够打破僵局的话,他们所争取到的一切可能就会化为乌有。Scorponok feared that all would be lost if something in the impasse did not change quickly.

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一个最近在国际纺织品贸易中最新的进展提供了化解僵局的出路。A recent development in international trade in textiles could offer a way out of the impasse.

从联合政府组建开始,两党在是否恢复法官职位问题上的磋商就陷入僵局。The two parties have been at an impasse over the judges since the beginning of their coalition.

加入我能这么说的话,那就意味着先前妨碍恢复谈判的僵局已经被打破。If I can use this expression, the impasse in resuming the negotiations has been broken," he said.