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我这位室友是个非常猥琐的人。This roomate was a very lewd man.

他固然是个好色的纨绔子弟,但身手矫捷,精明能干。He is a lewd of a dandy, but admits skill, shrewd.

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猥亵行为在办公室是很不恰当的。Lewd conduct is not appropriate behavior in the office.

好色慕艾,爱美之心人皆有之。Lewd , the heart person of the love of beauty all has it.

五天之后,依照妨害风化罪名,这位邮差被逮捕。He was arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior five days later.

我想我比你还糗。因为行为下流而被从迪斯尼里赶出来。I think I can top that. Try getting thrown out of Disneyland for lewd behavior.

在猥亵照丑闻曝光后,美国国会议员安东尼韦纳请了两周的假。Congressman Anthony Weiner is taking a two-week leave of absence after his lewd photo scandal.

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温纳因将自己的不雅照片传给在线网友,周四宣布辞职。Weiner resigned on Thursday after admitting he had sent lewd photos of himself to women online.

部份打扮时髦的员警也自身不保,成了登徒子吹口哨和搭讪的目标。Some of the stylish policemen have become targets themselves —of cat-calls and lewd propositions.

那个标识乍一看上去像一只鹰,但再仔细看,你会看到一个男人正在猥亵另一个男人。The logo at first looks like an eagle but as you look you see one man is performing a lewd act on another.

祖伟在报道中得知卓或与浚基交恶后,便为好色的浚基安排女人,以博取他的好感。Reported ZuWei zhuo or with deepened after bad, that for lewd deepened base arranged a woman, to win his favor.

我叫来校警,他对我的身材猥琐地评价了一番然后问我要不要一起去吃晚饭。He responded to the crisis by making lewd comments about my figure and repeatedly asking me out for dinner and drinks.

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这位世界冠军在中国公开赛期间,在一新闻发布会上由于言论粗俗,最近被审查中。The world number one was recently put under review after making lewd comments at a news conference during the China Open.

他们不识别该人时从对方球队足球球迷匹配上周六组成猥亵吉格斯相关的圣歌。They did not identify him when fans from the opposing team at a soccer match on Saturday made up lewd Giggs-related chants.

今年5月,这幅照片被摄后不久,他将淫秽的照片和信息发送给网上结识的妇女一事不胫而走。Soon after this photo was taken in May, it became known that he had sent lewd photos and messages to women he had met online.

目击者和新闻报道称,当男人骚扰女性、大喊下流话的现象发生时,警力马上就显得非常不足。Parameshwara — were quickly overwhelmed when men began molesting women and shouting lewd remarks, witnesses and news reports said.

但他的上司也是这些满口污言秽语的骚扰者之一,而人事经理也无能为力。But his supervisor was among those making the lewd and degrading comments. And the human-resources manager wasn't much more helpful.

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邻居丹娜科尔·马克西米利安曾经在奥地利的网络杂志oe24.at上提到戈特弗莱德总讲黄色笑话,还对性大谈特谈。One neighbor, Danecker Maximilian, told the Austrian webzine that Gottfried told lewd jokes and talked constantly about sex.

不出所料,职业运动员们对此感到气愤,因为这暗讽类似的下流用于在运动员的更衣室很常见。Unsurprisingly, professional athletes grew irate at the insinuation that similar lewd remarks were commonplace in men's locker rooms.

安东尼,恺撒部将。后因迷恋女色而战败被杀。克劳底亚,古罗马执政官,亦因好色而被杀。Anthony, Caesar department. Because after infatuated with defeat were killed and likes. Crowe, the ancient Roman consul, and also because lewd and killed.