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嗯?哇!各位,大家都认识我的朋友凯特吗?。Yeah? Whoo! Hey, guys, everyone know my friend, Kat?

又拿出一块,这块重峦叠嶂,比前一块奇巧许多。It took one, the peaks, than before a lot of kit kat.

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而“红塔山”、“阿诗玛”都是吉数,自然就会比“玉溪”强。And "Hongtashan", "Ashima" are Kat a few, they will naturally than "Yuxi" strong.

我们的活动唤醒了人们对这一严峻问题的关注,这是一项重大胜利。The increased awareness of this issue is another victory for our Kit Kat campaign.

看,凯特?玛可奈斯和寄养在“狗狗乐园”皇冠套间的狗狗聊得正欢呢!Kat Macenas visits with a dog boarding in the crown jewel suite at Chateau Poochie.

精灵奇巧的雾凇千姿百态,笨拙憨厚的灌木清纯天成。Kit Kat Wizard of thousands of Rime, the simple and honest clumsy shrubs pure heaven.

这款清酒口味的奇巧可以说能在日本找到的奇巧口味里是最怪的。Of all the odd Kit Kat flavors you can find in Japan this is a contender for the weirdest.

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凯特称,“短小的短发、还有两面既丰满又蓬松的发型只会使脸型显得胖胖圆圆的。”"Very short cuts and cuts with a lot of volume on the sides only emphasize fullness," says Kat.

凯特称,“短小的短发、还有两面既丰满又蓬松的发型只会使脸型显得胖胖圆圆的。”"Very short cuts and cuts with a lot of volume onthe sides only emphasize fullness, " says Kat.

Kat说到,她的一位女同性恋者主顾是“有史以来我最喜欢的一位顾客。”Kat claims that a lesbian regular patron of hers was “one of my favorite customers of all time.”

2014年,破产姐妹女主角凯特·戴琳斯的新年愿望就是,多抽点时间来做冥想。"Two Broke Girls" actress Kat Dennings made a New Year's resolution to do more meditation in 2014.

饮料方面也有自制的酸梅柠檬吉子冰和柠檬吉子冰等等。In addition, the restaurant is also selling self-made Iced Sour Plum Lemon Kat Chai, Iced Lemon Kat Chai etc.

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前不久,饰演女巫邦妮的演员凯特•格兰厄姆也宣布第八季将会是她最后一季。Last week, Kat Graham, who plays the witch Bonnie Bennett, also announced that season eight would be her last.

吉澳占地面积仅2.3平方公里,由于它曲折的海岸线被英国命名为克鲁克特岛。Kat O covers an area of just 2.3 sq km and was named Crooked Island by theBritish because of its twisting coastline.

您认为疯狂猫是如何的影响我们今日的卡通角色?Today, Mickey Mouse is known around the world. How do you think Krazy Kat influenced the cartoon characters we have today?

凯特阿姨生动地形容高高的篝火和有趣的典礼。Aunt Kat vividly described the huge bonfires and colorful rituals she had witnessed at the Beltane festival in Edinburgh as a girl.

星期天,核电站内的工作人员继续改善冷却核反应堆和燃料棒的排水系统。Work kat the plant continued on Sunday to improve the water-pumping system that is attempting to keep the reactor and spent fuel rods cool.

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我弯腰捧起了雀巢奇巧音乐礼盒,将小人拿开,音乐就停下了,我再将小人放上去,祝福的歌声又响了起来。I bent down to lift the Nestle Kit Kat music box will be little away on the music stopped, and then I let go bad , blessings and songs rang.

雀巢生产的奇巧巧克力棒也发现含有百万分之2.89三聚氰胺,使得在首尔检测出含有三聚氰胺的产品超过10种。Kit Kat bars from Nestle were also found carrying 2.89 ppm of melamine, bringing the total number of melamine-detected items to 10 in Seoul.

反观专擅“杀价”的买方经纪今日英雄无用武之地,眼观四面、身听八方,就怕吉屋上市,落后一步。On page "pare-fare" buyer brokers today heroes without a battlefield, the whole four, who listen P Plus, why Kat estate listing backward step.