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羊肉汤。Mutton soup.

我喜欢吃羊肉串。I like barbecued mutton.

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羊排非常好吃。Mutton chops taste so good.

她买了条羊腿。She bought a leg of mutton.

他喜欢吃涮羊肉…He likes instant-boiled mutton.

没有,但有牛肉和羊肉馅的。No, but I have beef and mutton.

东山羊是我们店的特色菜。Dongshan Mutton is the specialty.

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我建议吃涮羊肉。Let me suggest the boiled mutton.

烹羊宰牛且为乐。Cook beef and mutton and have fun.

我们的烤羊肉很受欢迎。Our roast mutton is quite popular.

这羊肉味太膻。This mutton has got a strong smell.

您要鸡蛋汤还是羊肉汤?。Do you like egg soup or mutton soup?

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他点燃了一堆火,用炙叉叉住一条羊腿。He lit a fire, spitted a leg of mutton.

并且羊肉汤是好在冬天吃。And mutton soup is good to eat in winter.

我想喝一碗羊肉汤,好吗?I want to have a bowl of mutton soup, ok?

茹斯蒂羊肉是设得兰群岛的美食。Reestit mutton is a delicacy of Shetland.

再往土豆上浇些羊肉汤就好了。The potatoes are waiting for mutton soup.

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一只小鸡,或一小块羊肉,就算他一顿正餐了。He dines on a chicken or a scrap of mutton.

咱们去吃涮羊肉,你们意下如何?How do you think the instant-boiled mutton?

我们想要两碗羊肉胡萝卜汤。We'd like two bowls of mutton and carrot soup.