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嗯,这个a下标。Yeah. This a sub nought.

无物可丢,坦坦无忧。Merry is that has nought to lose.

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就是生命,再没有其它。Is life, there is nought else. The.

没有仁爱的美丽毫无用处。Beauty without bounty avails nought.

无物可丢,坦坦无忧。Merry is he that have nought to lose.

而我们给它一个符号A上面加个。And this is given a special symbol A nought.

这个最可能的地方就是a0And the most probable one here is that a nought.

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仅仅做一个可怜的小奴闲呆着。But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought.

一时之间,这吗大的富厚就归于无有了。For in one hour so great riches is come to nought.

到头来都是为他人作嫁衣裳。Tis nought but making bridal clothes for other folk to wear.

七点十五分了,是办公室工作人员的起床时间。It was nought seven fifteen, getting-up time for office workers.

因为除非跻身顶级模特儿的行列,否则致富的机会等于零。The rich opportunity equals to nought unless ascending into the top.

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反轻弃我一切的劝戒,不肯受我的责备。But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof

你曾经有没有见过一个一只手臂的男人正在猛打著空气?。Have you ever seen a one-armed male punching by nought merely the breeze?

对于2s轨道,它等于6倍的a0And it turns out that for a 2 s orbital, that's equal to 6 times a nought.

从无到有,从小到大,弹性地板在国内的应用逐渐成星火燎原之势。From nought up, the resilient floor become more and more popular in china.

请记住,学会爱与被爱,就是生活的本质,而这一点我们都还不会。Remember, to love and be loved, is life itself without which we are nought.

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等那完全的来到,这有限的必归于无有了。Such as that which is complete comes, that the limited shall come to nought.

欧洲央行消除退出风险的努力将几乎是竹篮打水。The efforts of the ECB to eliminate exit risk will have been almost for nought.

更不用说一直盯着她默然不语的二少爷了。Say nought of have been staring at her quietly two young masters of language was not.