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那是个炎热又潮湿的日子。It was a hot and clammy day.

我的衬衫汗涔涔的。My shirt was clammy with sweat.

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鬼城给我们令人不安的感觉。The ghost town gave us a clammy feeling.

他用手抹抹前额,额上满是湿漉漉粘糊糊的汗珠。He passed his hand across his forehead. It was dank with clammy sweat.

他用手抹抹前额,额上满是湿漉漉粘糊糊的汗珠。He passed his hand across his forehead. it was dank with clammy sweat.

这并不便宜,但是这比生水泡和湿冷的脚要好得多。That's not cheap, but it's a lot better than blisters and clammy feet.

卡蒂看着詹妮,伸手握住她冰冷粘湿的手。Katie looked at her and reached out and grabbed Jenni's cold, clammy hand with her own.

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一个配药量过多能慢地引起和水浅的地方呼吸,湿黏的皮肤,抽筋,昏迷或死亡。An overdose can cause slow and shallow breathing, clammy skin, convulsions, coma, or death.

当我害怕时,我会产生某种,湿冷的感觉,又或者,我的心脏猛跳When I'm afraid, I have this certain sort of clammy feeling or my heart's going poundingly.

对我来说,恐惧感就好像又湿又粘的皮肤,刺痛,一阵凉意从脑后沿着脊柱穿过,有时还会觉得恶心。For me, fear feels like clammy skin, tingling, a chill down the spine, and sometimes nausea.

儿童时期的不合理教养也可导致人格的病态发展。The unreasonable breeding of children period also can bring about the clammy development of character.

这些症状有皮肤湿冷、头昏眼花、胸部灼热和莫名的疲惫。The symptoms include clammy skin, dizziness, a burning sensation in the chest and unexplained fatigued.

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随着一阵拔尖的煞车声,樱子的一生轻轻地飞了起来。With a screech of brakes, Ouko flied lightly and descended slowly on the clammy road like a night butterfly.

“尊者”好像不能入睡,在深夜写出了这些东西,衣服贴在冷冰冰潮腻腻的身体上。Magnus seemed like a guy who couldn't sleep, writing this stuff late at night, clothes stuck to his clammy body.

或许在某些人看来,这种柏拉图式的病态的恋爱,才够得上“文明”吧。Look in certain person probably, the clammy love of this kind of Plato type, just must go up quite " civilized ".

Sarah知道如果小Sam脸发红,出冷汗,流汗,或是四肢疼痛,那就说明他体内的二氧化碳浓度在升高。She also knows if he looks flushed, is clammy or sweaty, or has aching limbs, his carbon dioxide levels are building up.

莎拉设法用她笨拙的武器把牡蛎打开一个够大的口子,在又冷又粘的壳内世界里细细地咬上一小口。Sarah had managed to pry apart the shells with her unhandy weapon far enough to nibble a wee bit at the cold and clammy world within.

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对他来说,济慈似乎和蜜蜂一样,认为暖和的日子不会结束,“因为夏季早填满它们的粘巢For him, Keats seems to identify with the bees who think warm days will never cease, "for Summer has o'er-brimmed their clammy cells."

又为了蜜蜂,一次一次开放过迟的花朵,使它们以为日子将永远暖和,因为夏季早填满它们的粘巢。And still more, later flowers for the bees, Until they think warm days will never cease, For summer has o'er-Brimm'd their clammy cells.

病人通常会大量出汗,摸上去感觉湿冷,也可能会抱怨头疼或恶心,会失去方向感并且感到虚弱。The patient usually sweats profusely, feels clammy to the touch, may complain of a headache or nausea, and may be disoriented and feel weak.