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我要纵情欢度此生,我要挥霍我的人生。I will spend, squander, dazzle.

幻觉早已将我麻痹!Dazzle has already paralyzes me!

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最初的效果是眼花缭乱。The first effect was to dazzle him.

篮球迷们怀念魔术师强纳生球赛中的花招。Basketball fans miss Magic Johnson 's razzle dazzle in the game.

它是明亮如阳光的生命,但却并不耀眼夺目。It is the life which is as bright as light, but does not dazzle.

这款精致炫目的蓝宝石钻石耳环一定令她惊喜不已。Dazzle her with these one of a kind sapphire and diamond earrings.

做事周详细致让你有足够的能力在那些缺乏创意的人面前炫耀一番。Your ability to do detailed work will dazzle those who are less creative.

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在这个灿烂的季节,让炫彩伴你一路随行。On this splendid season, let dazzle colour with you all the way accompanying.

仰望蓝天,似乎天空更蓝了,阳光更炫了。Look up at the blue sky, it seems that the sky more blue, more dazzle sunlight.

柏林的街道景观和饭店不如巴黎和伦敦的那样光鲜照人。Berlin's streetscapes and restaurants dazzle less than those of Paris or London.

它给你头晕目眩的视觉和听觉感受。It has graphics that dazzle your visual sense and sounds that tantalize your ears.

你可以在异性面前炫耀自己过人的才智和独特的魅力。You can dazzle members of the opposite * with your quick wit and aggressive charm.

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你的敏捷智慧和闯劲强烈地吸引着异性。You can dazzle members of the opposite sex with your quick wit and aggressive charm.

我们会让大家眼花缭乱的。这是在明尼安纳波利斯举行的盛大节日游行。We're going to dazzle everybody. It's the holi-dazzle parade going on in Minneapolis.

一位美国将军也抱怨来自中国军队的类似的强光骚扰。An American general has complained of similar dazzle harassment from China’s military.

环绕之间,月相有所改变,炫目的财宝终将使你眼花缭乱。When ' twixt their arms the moon takes shape, The dazzle of riches will leave all agape.

广播不可能用壮观的画面使我们倾倒,它只能通过听觉效果吸引我们。Radio can't dazzle us with visual spectacles, it has to capture and hold our attention aurally.

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各种戏剧表演,杂志表演,绘画,书法和食物会让你眼花缭乱。A variety of opera performances, acrobatics shows, paintings,calligraphy and food will dazzle you.

不过强闪光不仅仅是闪得被拍的朋友眼花缭乱——强闪光也会使照片失真变形。But strong flashes do more than just dazzle one's friends—they distort the quality of the picture.

他差点控制不住自己的冲动,想要站起身来露一手,叫他们眼花缭乱,见识见识真正的天才到底是怎么回事。He had an almost uncontrollable impulse to stand up and do one of his routines, dazzle them, show.