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在家乡一开起舞会来,我是第一号的活跃人物。He was given a rapturous welcome in his home town.

有夺人心魄的寂静铃声完美地永存。There was a rapturous ring of silence abiding perfectly.

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柯林黑唱了一小时后在掌声雷动中下了台。Colin left the stage after an hour to rapturous applause.

张开它那染着狂喜色彩的思想的羽毛。Spreads its plumes tinged with rapturous colours of thoughts.

演出结束后,彼得·伊里奇获得了热烈的掌声。After the symphony Pyotr Ilyich received a rapturous applause.

我们能感受到观众在致以歌手们热烈的掌声时终于松了口气。You could sense the relief as the audience gave the singers rapturous applause.

哈姆雷特由罗马尼亚的一流演员伊恩·克拉米宙来饰演,以引起轰动。Hamlet was played by Romania's leading actor, Ion Caramitrou, to rapturous acclaim.

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燃烧了她而且刺了她,而且与手臂在她让它来的兴高彩烈的认同方面投。Burned her and impaled her, and with arms flung in rapturous acceptance she let it come.

他们俩人获得了真我的真我的神圣联盟,处于狂喜的真我时刻。The two achieve self of the self of the union divine which is a rapturous moment of self.

他获释回到利比亚首都的黎波里后得到盛情欢迎,英国与美国政府对此予以批评。His rapturous reception in Tripoli has been criticised by the British and U.S. governments.

期间有许多激动人心的时刻,感觉自己就像梦想中的那个网球运动员一样挥舞着球拍。I've had a number of rapturous moments during which I've played like the player I long to be.

百老会音乐剧我的美丽天使首度伦敦公演。The Broadway musical My Fair Lady has opened for its first night in London, to a rapturous reception.

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大批群众涌现对柯雷表达支持,在结束说话时,他获得如雷掌声。Large crowds turned out in support of Colet , who received a rapturous applause at the end of his speech.

辩护和恶意的意向也从来没有像雷鸣般的导演罗伯特比威尔逊的四重奏。Vindication and malicious intents have never been more rapturous than in director Robert Wilson's Quartett.

去年北京奥运会期间,他受到了无比热情的接待,无论走到哪里都会被球迷重重包围。During last year's Beijing Olympics, he was greeted with a rapturous reception and mobbed everywhere he went.

他个子特别高,打起球来象着了魔似的浑身是劲,这帮助他弥补了天生的笨拙和没有经验。His great, bobbing height and rapturous enthusiasm helped make up for his innate clumsiness and lack of experience.

协同允许真我去觉知,也让能量场自己去恢复元气,有时候会荣曜一个狂喜的时刻。Synergy allows self to realize and the field to revitalize itself sometimes accolading into rapturous moments in time.

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南非800米运动员卡斯特·塞曼亚今天回国,并等待性别审查结果。South African 800-metre runner, Caster Semenya, returns home to a rapturous welcome amid an ongoing gender controversy.

是什么让眼前这个女孩如此热情薄发,为什么别人没有注意到她如小兽般的存在?What had wrung this rapturous outpouring from this woman, and why did no one else seem to take note of her feral presence?

精美的服装道具、纯熟的传统技艺,加之演员精彩的表演,赢得了全场观众的热烈掌声。The exquisite props and costumes, extraordinary skills and performances won rapturous applause from the audience now and then.