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对话与鸿儒笑,没有口腔医学接触。Talk and laugh with Hongru, contacts without STOMATOLOGY.

但有一点,一定要选择正规医院的口腔科!But one thing must be the formal selection of stomatology hospital!

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德国一直将口腔医学教育视为精英教育。Stomatology education in Germany has always been regarded as elite education.

牙再生的研究属于当前口腔医学领域中的前沿课题。The research of tooth regeneration is a front topic in current stomatology medical domain.

本文对时间生物学运用于口腔医学研究领域中的进展作一综述。This paper will summarize the research progress of chronobiologic study related to stomatology.

口腔医院拥有100多张牙椅,技术一流,是云南省最大的口腔专科医院。The Affiliated Hospital of Stomatology has over 100 dental chairs, with top-ranking technologies.

现任北京大学口腔医学院修复科教授、主任医师及博士生导师。She is working in Peking University School of Stomatology as professor of department of Prosthodontics.

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目的探讨口腔正畸学研究生进行口腔医学美学教育的必要性。Objective To study the essentiality of aesthetic education of stomatology for orthodontic postgraduates.

着色牙的治疗一直是口腔医学和美容牙科研究的一个重要方面。The treatment of stained teeth has been one of the striking aspects of stomatology and esthetic dentistry.

该仪器可广泛应用于口腔临床检查、诊断与研究。The instrument can be widely used for physical examination, diagnosis and experimental study in stomatology.

本文就层粘连蛋白的结构、功能及其在口腔医学中的研究现状进行综述。In the review, we summarize the structure, function and current research situation in stomatology of laminin.

这些可以作为中国口腔医学教育改革的参考。It is hoped that the information should be regarded as our reference in stomatology teaching reform in China.

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德国的大学在口腔医学教育方面,重视学生独立学习能力和创新精神的培养。The aim of stomatology education in Germany is to foster students independent learning and innovative spirit.

中国口腔医学博物馆系华西协合大学博物馆之主要部分,始建于1914年。China Museum of Stomatology was most important part of the Museum, West China Union University initiated from 1914.

由于口腔颌面部复杂的解剖和生理环境,腭裂所造成缺损的修复一直是口腔医学的难题。The complexity of the tissues and structures involved in cleft palates poses a significant challenge in stomatology.

牛玉梅,教授,主任医师,硕士研究生导师,武汉大学口腔医学院博士研究生。Professor Yumeiniu, chief physician, Postgraduate Tutor, doctoral student in School of Stomatology of Wuhan University.

结果有效地预防和控制了口腔科医院感染的发生。Result These measures worked efficiently on precaution and control for hospital infection in department of stomatology.

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目的对口腔门诊诊疗工作中医院感染易感因素采取有效控制措施。Objective To take the effective measures to control infectious elements in the department of stomatology of the hospital.

方法对18所医疗机构门诊口腔科进行医院感染管理调查。METHODS The hospital infection management was investigated in outpatient stomatology department of 18 medical institutions.

口腔医学是一门实践性很强的应用型科学,临床实习在口腔医学教育过程中就更为突出和重要。Stomatology is an applied science, so clinical practice is more outstanding and important during the stomatological education.