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来自波兰的黑金属。Black Metal from Poland.

我来自波兰的塔尔努夫。I'm from Tarnow, Poland.

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他们来自波兰,是犹太人。They were Jews from Poland.

我来自波兰的塔尔努夫。I'm from Tarnow, Poland. Oh?

你们哪一年在波兰?。Which year were you in Poland?

她出生在波兰于1867年。She was born in Poland in 1867.

1993年萨姆一家都在波兰。The Sams were in Poland in 1993.

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汽球落于波兰境地。The balloon descended in Poland.

他是这次波兰会议的组织者。He is organizing the meeting in Poland.

俄罗斯同时也指责波兰。Russia, meanwhile, is fingering Poland.

波兰南部的一个工业城市,位于维斯杜拉河沿岸。An industrial city ins poland on the vistula.

我说波兰语,因为我出生于波兰。I speak Polish, because I was born in Poland.

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现场广告促销从波兰机构。Promo site for Advertising agency from Poland.

我真没指望了,要是能租借的话波兰队还能想起我来。It would have reminded the Poland manager about me.

哥萨克为获得自由而与波兰奋战。The Cossacks fight against Poland for their freedom.

克里兹多夫是一位很有才华的铅笔画家,波兰人。Krzysztof is very talented pencil artist from Poland.

波兰和它的近邻立陶宛结成同盟。Poland forged an alliance with its neighbour Lithuania.

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波兰北部一城市,位于维斯杜拉河入海口。A city of northern poland near the mouth of the vistula.

微软向波兰的用户展示了一幅被修改过的广告图片。Microsoft's doctored advert was shown to users in Poland

亨利克雷宾斯基,华沙技术,波兰大学。Henryk rybinski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.