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她这才从门口跟了他进去,向来灵动的香奶替他拿着外套和帽子。She would follow him in while Jeannette , always alert, would take his coat and hat.

除了律师工作之外,张媛容在位于加东的所属教会的委员会中也积极活动,作出贡献。Apart from her legal work, Jeannette has been active in her church council in Katong.

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张媛容在艾伦格禧律师事务所开始她的律师生涯,之后在2001年与合伙人创立目前自己的律师事务所。Jeannette started her legal career in Allen & Gledhill LLP and co-founded her current practice in 2001.

在那所中学他获得了州史上最辉煌的预科生篮球赛成就。He announced his decision at Jeannette High School, where he had one of the greatest prep careers in the state's history.

我最近访问了IBM的新任首席信息官珍妮特•霍兰,以便更好地了解IBM员工在办公室内外使用社交网络功能的情况。I recently caught up with IBM's new CIO, Jeannette Horan, to find out more about how employees use social networking features in and out of the office.

另外,张媛容是宣誓官与公证员,多年来为经济有困难的国人提供免费的法律咨询服务。Jeannette is a Commissioner for Oaths and a Notary Public, and has been providing pro-bono legal advice to Singaporeans facing hardships for many years.

然而,三年之后,吉内特号上的物件在冰中漂浮数千英里后被发现冲到格陵兰岛海岸。However, three years later, artifacts from the Jeannette were found washed up on the coast of Greenland after having drifted thousands of miles in the ice.

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那是1879年,美国船只吉内特号困在了西伯利亚上方的冰棚里,并在北冰洋里漂浮了21个月,最后由于抵受不住压力而破裂并于1881年6月沉没。Jeannette became locked in the ice pack above Siberia. It drifted in the Arctic for 21 months, but was eventually crushed by the pressure, and sank on June 13, 1881.

如果当选为蒙巴登单选区国会议员,张媛容将鞠躬尽瘁,努力提高蒙巴登区居民以及所有新加坡公民的生活素质。If elected as Member of Parliament for Mountbatten SMC, Jeannette will work hard to better the quality of life for Mountbatten residents as well as for all Singaporeans.

看过这些物件后,南森想知道,究竟他能不能乘着北冰洋里这股强大的东西方向洋流去到北极或者起码是接近北极的地方,于是一个想法诞生了。Reading about the Jeannette artifacts, Nansen wondered if the strong east-to-west current over the Arctic could be ridden to the North Pole—or at least close. And so an idea was hatched.