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一位仁慈的法官为他减了刑。A clement judge reduced his sentence.

然后,他们选出自己的教皇克莱门特七。They then elected one of their own as Pope Clement VII.

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与亚历山大时期的克莱门特相应,马修是一个素食主义者。According to Clement of Alexandria, Matthew was a vegetarian.

很明显克雷芒也受过很好的哲学教育。And Clement also clearly has a very good philosophical education.

这是多么令人赞叹的聪敏与宽厚。This is the sagacity that how your person highly praises and clement.

另一个出现的时间要晚点,他是亚历山大的克雷芒。Another that existed a little bit later than this is Clement of Alexandria.

我们现在进入的是由教皇克雷芒十四世于1770年建立的庇护-克莱门蒂诺博物馆。Now we are in the Pio-Clementine Museum, founded by Pope Clement XIV in 1770.

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尼古拉斯·克莱门特最先在1824年把“卡路里”定义为热量单位。The ‘calorie’ was first defined by Nicolas Clément in 1824 as a unit of heat.

这里真的有采石场,据说圣人克雷蒙特就在这里工作过。These are the very stone quarries St. Clement is believed to have worked here.

洛扎诺声称克莱门特·劳埃德骑着摩托车想把他撞伤。Lozano claimed that motorcycle driver Clement Lloyd was trying to run him down.

地球的历史是包含了许多不如全新世稳定温和的时期的。The planet’s history contains many less stable and clement eras than the Holocene.

“就像是一场海啸,”香港工业总会的陈镇仁表示。"It's like a tsunami," said Clement Chen of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries.

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子系统数据可以通过有限元模型或实验模型提供。The subsystem's parameters can be obtained by means of finet clement analysis or experiment.

1860年,法国经济学家朱格拉确定克莱门特存在周期8至11岁长。In 1860, French economist Clement Juglar identified the presence of cycles 8 to 11 years long.

有一首关于圣·尼古拉的很著名的诗是由克莱门特·克拉克·摩尔博士写给他的孩子们的。There is one famous poem about St. Nicholas written by Dr. Clement Clark Moore to his children.

北方人对此感到气愤,许多人并不赞成克莱门特.法兰迪加姆的思想,但他们支持他言论自由的权利。Many did not support Clement Vallandigham's ideas. But they supported his right to speak freely.

现在王恩杰同学将会带领我们一起赞美敬拜。A student from the graduating cohort, Clement Ong will now lead us in this time of praise worship.

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左不过是主人宫廷里的一名弄臣,既被纵容又受到轻视,博得宽厚的主人一声赞许而已。A jester at the court of his master , indulged and disesteemed, winning a clement master 's praise.

非常念佛提到第一次只在著作的克莱门特亚历山大。The very name of Buddha is mentioned for the first time only in the writings of Clement of Alexandria.

安理会的维埃纳省举行了在这城市在法国的命令,克莱门特五,首先亚维侬教皇。The Council of Vienne was held in that town in France by order of Clement V, the first of the Avignon popes.