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你可以教我一些咒语吗?。Would you teach me some incantation?

哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌And , by the incantation of this verse

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请凭借我这韵文写就的符咒。And, by the incantation of this verse.

“不要作恶”是一个模糊的咒语。"Don't be evil" is a vague incantation.

这是一句能迷惑住人的咒语。This is an incantation that can spell anybody.

而那个能够解除咒语的人就是你,他的儿子。And the one who will lift the incantation is you, his own son.

他要用他的咒语把吉姆变成像公主一样的戒指!He will use his incantation make Jim become a ring like princess!

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他拼命搜索他的脑袋,老想找出那道早被忘得一干二净的护身符咒。He sought in his heAD for an incantation that had faded clean away.

我延续了海咒的空间,创作了精灵。I create the new paint EIDOLON continue with the Incantation Of The Sea.

散文诗是一种咒语,能够编织梦想,让梦想进入更美妙的演奏中。Prose are an incantation that spells dreams into transfigurative rendition.

或许使者将发现这个咒语并且取消做了的那。Perhaps an emissary will find this incantation and undo that which has been done.

这种魔术似乎不需要用魔杖,而且斯内普根本就没有用咒语。Not only does this appear to have been wandless magic, but Snape used no incantation.

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所有喜欢电音的朋友们一起来念起魔咒吧!All likes the electricity sound the friends read the evil spirit incantation together!

托尼·罗宾斯,我众多所崇拜的人之一,完美在这里阐述的原则的咒语。Tony Robbins, one of my heros, articulates the principle of incantation perfectly here.

啊,我相信我已经寻得了解决方法。一个不太复杂的咒语更容易记住。Ah, I believe I have ascertained a solution. An incantation of lesser complexity should be more easily remembered.

念咒语凭空变出花、铃鼓和鸽子,然后再把那些花、铃鼓和鸽子变不见。I chanted incantation turn into flower, tambourine and dove out of the void, and turn these things into disappearance.

神父开始念咒语希望能够去除这个伤口,然而这个标志还是深深刻在了护国公的手臂上。The Priest began an incantation to cleanse the wound but the symbol remained engraved in the arm of the Lord Protector.

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请把我枯死的思想向世界吹落,让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命!哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌。Drive my dead thoughts over the universe, Like withered leaves to quicken a new birth! And, by the incantation of this verse.

佛教医籍中存在"医咒合一"的现象,且这种现象在唐代发生了变化。Fourth, the phenomenon so called "harmony of therapy and incantation" existed in medicine books of Buddhism and changed in Tang Dynasty.

受制万年的通天妖道破咒而生,一场天地浩劫再所难免。Is restrained ten thousand year exceedingly high monster to point out frankly the incantation to live, a world catastrophe again unavoidable.