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我的父亲拿来个老虎钳。who then got his pliers.

我可以借你的老虎钳吗?。Could I borrow your pliers ?

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我有一些钳子在那。I have some pliers in there.

剪刀和钳子就是例子。Scissors and pliers are examples.

立即拧紧手钳或气动工具。Tighten instantly with hand pliers or Air Tool.

剥线钳设计轻巧,使用时倍感舒适。Designed stripping pliers lightweight, comfort in use.

我拿出钳子和手电筒,爬到了车底下。I got out my pliers and torch and crawled under the ambulance.

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用于正畸方丝的转矩弯制,常成对使用。Torque Bending Pliers To make arch bending wire. Used in pairs.

本文研究了管子钳活动钳口断裂现象。The fracture of follower tongs holder of pipe pliers is analyzed.

鳄鱼从我手里咬掉老虎钳,一口吞到肚子里——贪贪婪婪地。The alligator bit the pliers out of my hand and swallowed them greedily.

队长用钳子把针拔了出来,这时那一块皮肤暴露在空气中,那个冷啊!He got it out of me with pliers and exposing my rear was cold to say the least.

我去掏老虎钳,也许,在他吃了我之前,我可以把他的尖牙拔掉一点。I pulled out the pliers. Perhaps I could remove his teeth before he could bite me.

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用一些东西固定住绞丝,用锤子轻轻的敲。Get some pliers or something to hold the hinge with and hammer lightly at the hinge.

一位大学生把钳子系到一根绳子上,然后让它像钟摆那样摆动起来。One college student tied the pliers to one string and set it in motion like a pendulum.

如果他们变成牧场,他们需要一个套索,品牌铁,及一对钳子。If they turned to ranching, they needed a lariat, a branding iron, and a pair of pliers.

本发明是一种电焊钳导电体的制造方法。The invention relates to a manufacturing method of the conductor of electric soldering pliers.

突然河虾好像发现了这好玩的东西,伸出钳子迅速一夹,把绳子给紧紧夹住了。Suddenly seemed to find the fun things out of a folder rapidly pliers to tightly grip the rope to.

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我想是试试螃蟹大钳子的厉害,于是,我拿起一把没有用的牙刷伸到螃蟹面前。I think it is great to try crab pliers very powerful, so I took a toothbrush out into crab useless before.

用一些东西固定住绞丝,用锤子轻轻的敲。左右两个绞丝都这样处理。Get some pliers or something to hold the hinge with and hammer lightly at the hinge. Do so for both hinges.

听到他的声音,童悦的心被一把巨大的铁钳钳住了,疼到窒息。The voice that hears him, kid Yue's heart drive on alive huge steel pliers pliers, bitter arrive asphyxiation.