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你可以根据情况机动灵活地处置。You can deal with it flexibly as you see fit.

祝您羊年吉祥如意,如意吉祥!I wish you luck and flexibly during good luck!

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用手转动泵轴检查其是否活络。Turn the pump shaft by hand to see if it turns flexibly.

去渍方法应根据污渍特点灵活运用方法。Through the method of characteristics of besmirch flexibly.

各种模式应当联合应用、灵活组合。Several models should be used unitedly and be made up flexibly.

实现了一个易于与服务器端和受控端相连的网间远程控制系统。The system can be connected to control side or controlled side flexibly.

用本文的方法比较容易处理层合板的自由边。The presented method can be used to treat free edges of laminates flexibly.

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佛法在人间,要能普遍、要活用。Buddhadharma is in the human world. It should be used commonly and flexibly.

点支式玻璃建筑的柔性支承体系是一种新型的支承体系。Flexibly support system for point supported glass curtain wall is a new system.

这款玩具使用了一种细金属线,当感应到声音时,就能像肌肉一样灵活地弯曲扭动。The toys use thin metal wires that move flexibly like muscles when sensing sound.

如果设计完善,此类工程可根据援助需求进行灵活调整。Provided they are well designed, they can adjust flexibly to the need for assistance.

俄语中数词“虚用”现象的翻译应采取灵活的方法。The formalization of numerals in Russian has to be flexibly dealt with in translation.

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一种高品质磷酸钙盐柔性生产方法。The invention relates to a method for flexibly producing high-quality calcium phosphate.

你的经理可能会有一种“一切尽在掌控”的心态,这增加了实行灵活工作制的难度。Your manager may have an ’all-hands-on-deck’ mentality, making it harder to work flexibly.

可以灵活地改变选抽比来改变谱的分辨率。We can therefore, flexibly change the spectrum resolution by changing the decimation factor.

如果员工有义务照顾依赖其的人,是否可以有权灵活工作?Are employees entitled towork flexibly if they have responsibility for caring for dependants?

铆钉与铁件的连接处加以衬套和衬垫,使装置运行灵活,噪音降低。Bushes and linings between rivets and steel parts make the device run flexibly with less noise.

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该设计可灵活应用于市场上大部分的中、小尺寸TFT-LCD面板。The design can be applied flexibly on the most medium and small size TFT-LCD panel in the market.

可灵活拆装的瘫痪病人护理床,它涉及一种床。A nursing bed which can disassemble and assemble flexibly and used for paralytic relates to a bed.

我们做学问,修行练功求的就在能灵活应用,将知识,案例等消化成为自己的东西。We who learn and practice are good at digesting knowledge and cases so as to employ them flexibly.