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她不满地朝我撅了一下嘴。She shot me a reproachful pout.

他的脚步发出了微微的责备声。His foot made a slight reproachful sound.

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目光直刺我的心。His reproachful gage speared into my heart.

她再也无法忍受那责备的目光了。That reproachful look. She could no longer stand it.

乔责备性地对我咳了一声,仿佛说他本来对我讲的就是监狱船嘛。Joe gave a reproachful cough, as much as to say, 'Well, I told you so.

不过,他也接到过一些“古怪的电话”和责备性质的来信。He has received some "funny phone calls" and reproachful letters, however.

我没法描绘出那是种什么样的眼神——惊讶,怀疑,会意,责备。I can`t describe what kind of look it was—surprised, skeptical, knowing, reproachful.

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Tuori有一次在课堂上发现一个学生发短信,他用带有责备的眼光瞪了他一眼,他就乖乖地把手机收起来了。Tuori spots a kid texting in class and shoots him a reproachful glance.He quickly puts the phone away.

“总有人在这里的,”她在晚饭上以一种哀伤的语气说,富有责备的神情抛向长桌。"There were always people here, " she said at dinner, in a mournful way, casting a reproachful glance down the long table.

鲍里斯不再到海伦那里去了,他每天接到她的带有责备意味的便函,他仍旧整天整天地在罗斯托夫家里消磨时光。Boris gave up visiting Ellen, received reproachful notes every day from her, and still spent whole days together at the Rostovs'.

妻子看见他后非常高兴,但他比划着告诉妻子钥匙找不到时,妻子的神情马上由快乐变成了责备。His wife was so happy when she saw him, but her happy look soon changed into a reproachful one when he signaled to her that he could not find those keys.

一个启发式的想象拯救了杰克,他认为这想象就是母亲当初在失去第二个孩子时对上帝发出的责问的答案。Jack is redeemed by an apocalyptic vision that answers the reproachful questions he imagined Mother asking God at the beginning, when her second child died.

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教育惩罚是一种道德惩罚,是对道德违犯者的一种谴责性表达,并对遭破坏的道德权威加以复原。Educational punishment is a kind of moral punishment, a form of reproachful expression to moral offenders and the rehabilitation for the damaged ethical authority.

如果已经坐了四个人而且卢克站着的话,他则会以一种愤慨和指责的口气要人家挪一挪让他坐下接着他便坐下去,使劲儿占一大块地方。If four are already seated and Luke is standing up, he demands permission, in an indignant and reproachful tone, to sit down—which he then does, managing to take up an excessive amount of space.